If I told you this is a post whose images have languished in my archives since 29 June 2014, would you believe me? Let's just say I never found my Round Tuit! HA!
But, yes, we started using our annual Museum Cards on any and every museum we could find, just because. And this one was a doozy.
This is Castle Het Nijenhuis, located between Wijhe and Heino, 138 km NE of us.
It's one of those castles with a moat, around and in which you can walk.
Throughout the course of the day, we did just that.
First, we turned left at the entrance and entered the gardens.
What a great time of the year to visit!
You know by now that the Dutch love their statues and art sculptures.
Sometimes the wackier the better?
Of course, I was most interested in Mother Nature's "sculptures."
Turning right from the gardens (we're moving clockwise around the castle),
we found two fun interactive displays. This one gives you pause, as you see.
And to the right of it, we had fun playing together with this monstrosity.
Who thinks these things up?
When we passed this bower, I wondered where the bridge led,
but it wasn't where our path around the castle took us. Hmmm.
Instead, we followed behind the castle through the woods...with art still everywhere.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...." HA! I couldn't resist.
By now we were ready to cross the moat to the eastern side of the castle where,
yes, more sculptures/artwork were to be seen.
At this point, we're really talking crazy and wacky...and H U G E.
(Look at the size of those women top-center!)
The piece I loved the most was this "conglomeration" in miniature.
Look at all the detail. I'm sure there's a link about it somewhere (Astrid???).
Other artwork around the castle was a bit more austere.
But as we rounded the corner back to the entrance, it was wacky again.
Still, gotta love the color!
By then, we were ready to walk inside, ready for...whatever.
The "whatever" was an exhibition of "subsidized art" midst the castle furnishings.
Can you imagine someone doing this in your home?
Of course, your own valued pieces are still on display.
But...then there's that wacky piece again, almost like a desecration?
Or maybe more like a laugh?! If you can't take a joke?
...as did a bit of respite from the castles café.
As some of you know, Astrid and I aren't real museum people, but with our annual cards,
we are getting our education in places we might not otherwise see.
When you get to throw in a castle, why not!