Saturday, February 08, 2025

FIVE Fisherman Sweaters

ONE would be amazing.  But F I V E?  Yes.  Count them!

When I first arrived in the Netherlands (from the USA) to marry Astrid, 15 years ago, I discovered her artwork portfolio from her NIMETO creative and technical school years (age 16-20) and immediately knew I needed to digitize all of it for posterity.  You can see it at 'A' is for Astrid of All Trades, which I posted in November 2011.

Of all the things included in her creative repertoire is the first fisherman sweater she made long before I knew her, about 30 years ago. 

She made it [#1] from sheep's wool on Texel island and wears it like an everyday sweater in winter.

I didn't see Astrid make that sweater of course, but I DID see her make the next four...with my own eyes!

In 2018 she made this teal sweater [#2] for me... 

which I wore alongside hers in 2020 for our Christmas photo.

Just 2 days after her cataract surgery in January, 2023, she finished her red sweater [#3],
when she was still looking pitiful.  By Valentine's Day, a month later, she was her delightful self.

At the end of the summer last year, she completed her mustard-yellow sweater [#4],

in plenty of time for this winter's unusually cold weather.

And soon thereafter, this past November, she started this burnt-orange sweater [#5] for me, which she finished a week ago today.  I've already worn it 3 times!

If you have a retina screen, it may look red to you, but it isn't.  To be honest, I don't do red!
The burnt-orange is MY color for red and is just gorgeous.

From 2018 and 2025, basically 6 years apart!

So, of course, I asked Astrid if she plans to ever knit another FISHERMAN sweater (she has knit 3 other non-fisherman sweaters for herself), to which she said probably not...except that she has always had a navy-blue fisherman sweater in the back of her mind.  HA!  I'll keep you posted!

But like I said, ONE would be amazing enough, right!!!  But FIVE?!?  I know.  Count them!

[P.S.  And, in case you wonder, she says she's not taking any orders!]  :)


  1. No orders? Darn! I love them all and can’t pick a favorite, though teal/turquoise is my favorite color. I wonder if the pattern felt easy each time? Easier over time?

    1. I know, Ruth. No orders! I'm the lucky one!! Teal is a universal color, so it would look good on you as well, for sure. Astrid says it DOES get easier each time she does it but I know for sure that she has too pay attention each time, so as not to mess it up. She actually has a visual of the pattern she uses, instead of reading a pattern that she herself drew, which she says she doesn't know how to do. It's quite amazing!

  2. Zoals ik al eerder zei....dit is geweldig, fantastisch en ik eindig met wonderschoon
    Zo vreselijk jammer dat ze geen orders aanneemt
    :--) Ha hi ho :--)

    1. It really IS fantastic, Marjolein! And it always gives me a smile, no matter which one either of us is wearing at any given time. And, yes--too bad she doesn't take orders.

  3. I never knew that I would end up knitting those sweaters and to Ruth I can say, yes, it gets more easy to have the same pattern, I recognize it while knitting and don't need to "read". For the first 7 rows I need "a visual" of the pattern but then it goes easy and making sure that I "cable" every 14th row. I keep score on a piece of paper. Thank you, Ginnie for making this post, it still is fun to knit and to have a picture of what I have done. IHVJ.

    1. I love that I have a post up now of all the fisherman sweaters you've knitted thus far, Astrid. You deserve every bit of praise you can ever get!

  4. What a history of lovely sweaters, Ginnie!

  5. These are gorgeous! I’m curious how long it takes to make one? Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. As you know it’s a sorry state of affairs here… UGH. Sending love!

    1. They really are gorgeous, Robin, and thank you. Astrid says a sweater takes about 2-1/2 to 3 months. And what's fun is to watch her during the times she's really on a roll with her knitting. :) I'll write you more in an email....

  6. Replies
    1. I don't think I have seen these sweaters in such pretty colors before! They are just stunning. (Hopping over from Marie's blog to say hello from West Virginia.)

    2. Oh, bless you Granny Sue for hopping over from Marie's blog! How sweet of you. Believe it or not, I was born in Lynchburg, VA, your neighbor, back in 1945! I see that you have several blogs. Is there a main one that you use?


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