Sunday, October 19, 2014

Our 2014 America Trip: Overview

Has it really come and gone so quickly?  We're packed and have a couple more hours before we leave for the Atlanta airport for our flight back home to the Netherlands.  So while we're waiting, here's a bit of an overview, from collages I put up on Facebook.

 As you surely know by now, we fly back in October because Nicholas still wants to go to the fair!
This was his first year to take a school buddy, which actually changed everything!
We all rode the skylift together, first off, with them in front of us, of course.

Then they AND we were off on our own till it was time for supper.
The menu is always turkey legs and roasted corn.  Hard to beat.

While the boys were going on all the crazy rides, Astrid and I had a photo op!
(Remember, this is just an overview!)

And just before going home, we had our prerequisite homemade ice cream.
It was the best fair ever!

 You know I can eat that boy up, now 14, a freshman in high school.

And what I love so much is how much he and Astrid are bonding.
You can't fake that!

This year she had her new iPad4 waiting for her.
And guess who taught her everything she needs to know!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Remember Bob and Peggy from just south of Atlanta?
We spent 5 days with them, while the kids worked and Nicholas was in school.
We love our little side trips with them around the backroads of south Georgia.
The Laurel and Hardy Museum is in Harlem, GA, which I didn't even know existed.
Oliver Hardy was born there in 1892.  Who knew?!

Nearby we visited Monticello, GA, where My Cousin Vinny was filmed.
The Two Yutes Tuna at the nearby Sac-O-Suds is their best seller.  HA!

We also spent a day, with picnic, at the nearby High Falls State Park in Jackson, GA.
(Those pics will come later, I assume.)

We were there to see the full, hunter's blood moon on Tuesday the 7th
with the lunar eclipse the next morning, Wednesday the 8th (bottom right).
Lucky us!  We'll never forget it.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

After Bob and Peggy's we went to the Blue Ridge mountains for our family's 5-day cabin retreat.
Talk about a room with a view!

 We even drove down the mountain to Blue Ridge, GA, to be tourists for an afternoon.
Pumpkins are my favorite time of the year!

And yes, this was another photo-op time for us as we walked around.

Amy took this on her iPhone one night while we made s'mores on the porch.  Memories.

And we always end the cabin time at a Waffle House for breakfast the day we drive back.  HA!

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

 After the cabin, son Mark had us over for potato-sausage soup, a family favorite.
(thanks to Astrid for the images)

His cat, Piper, showed all her best sides to Astrid, the photographer.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

We even had time to spend 4 days with Bob and Marc at their lovely home on Lake Lanier.
Their Cresswind 55+ retirement community is ranked among the top ten most affordable communities 
for retirees by AARP Magazine.  Astrid says she could move there...and that's saying a lot.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Last but not least, we captured between us these 4 weathervanes.
"We're not in Kansas anymore!"  But at least there was a Hart.

Like I overview, before I get home and work on the rest of the images.
Man alive.  We really packed in a lot, didn't we!


  1. Time flies when you enjoy and this time it really flew. But then, we did a lot and we went many places.
    A great vacation and seeing family and friends makes this more special. Already new plans are made for next year. So we'll be back...... as good old Arnold would say.
    Great pictures. Great memories added.
    Now we can finish packing and head to the airport. IHVJ

    1. Every year this is the highlight! We're so lucky we get to do this over and over again. And thankfully we had another safe trip back! Thank you for being my Partner in Crime, always. :)

  2. All of these are such great captures of your time in the states! I tell ya...that Nicholas is going to steal someone's heart. He is soooo cute. I love his friend's shirt...In case of emergency tear my shirt off. be young again! SAFE travels you two!! xo

    1. We are young again through our grandkids, Robin (though in my case I have only one). We can hardly wait tiill Nicholas visits us this next summer. Wish you could meet him in real life!!!

  3. Your trips to the fair with Nicolas have always been a favorite. How fast they grow up though! -Madeline

    1. You have seen him year after year, Mad, so you know the metamorphosis. It's so fu n to see, isn't it!

  4. ah ha! That's the 1st time in years I've been able to post to your blog...but I had to post it anonymously. Odd, but glad I can finally leave comments again. -Madeline

    1. Needless to say, I'm delighted you've been able to post, Mad. Who knows what that's all about???

  5. I'm happy to see the collages bigger in this format! Happy travels back home!

    1. I guess if you're using your iPhone, Ruth, they're very small. HA! On my iPad they're actually very large as here.

      We arrived home just before 6p last evening after 2 good flights. We almost missed our connection from London to Amsterdam, but because the plane was late, we had just enough time. All's well that ends well. :) Thanks.

  6. For an overview, you packed a lot of great pictures. That sausage potato soup looks yummy – (recipe?) and the kitty collage is sweet. Your trip is finished already? It did go fast. I hope we can see you next year because we are buying a house in Nashville and planning to move in it in 1 ½ year or so. I can’t believe how much Nicholas has grown – no longer a little boy. I love your sky pictures, the colors are glorious.

    1. I just got the soup recipe from Mark, Vagabonde, so I'll email it to you. It really is good but make sure you get the exact sausage he mentions in the recipe because it won't taste the same if you don't (which I learned from experience).

      So you're moving to Nashville! WOW. Well, it makes sense, of course. Let's make sure we see you next year, indeed. We'll be there in October but about a week later than this year. I'll stay in touch with you on that. Thank you for staying in touch!

  7. Seriously, Ginnie, how can anyone NOT bond with Astrid???
    I enjoyed your photos on Facebook, I enjoyed them here even more. The fair looks like fun - how lovely, that Nicholas still wants to go there and that he even brought a friend. October is such a wonderful time in the US because of the pumpkins and the abundance of fall, so you're here right at the best time!
    That potato soup looks so good - does your son share the recipe?

    1. LOL about Astrid, Carola, because it's so true. She really IS that wonderful. We will have a blast with Nicholas when he comes next summer to visit us. We can hardly wait.

      Autumn is my favorite time of the year, so even without the fair, we will probably always visit then. The family time at the cabin in the North Georgia mountains is the other big draw, with the leaves in their autumnal glory. We already have our reservation for next year, though 2 weeks later, which will be even prettier.

      I will send you the soup recipe via email. You'll love it!

  8. Glad you are home safe. wonderful pictures as always

    1. Thank you, Bill. It's funny how we always can hardly wait to go and then just as quickly can hardly wait to get back!

  9. An especially beautiful set of photos for the halloween montage and the cloud and moon scapes. Your grandson looks exactly like you. He’s five years ahead of Aiden, our grandson. How quickly they grow! I found a perfect gift for my son-in-law who will share it with Aiden, but it might be perfect for Nicholas if he uses an i-phone and would be fascinated by micro-photography. It is a microscope that attaches to an i-Phone or i-Pad.

    Stay well. I was concerned when I hadn’t received anything from you for awhile. Glad to know the good reason.

    1. Well, yes, Ted, you now know what we've been up to! The time came and went so quickly. I think I would be fascinated by that gadget for my iPad. Man alive. The technology they're coming up with just blows my mind! Nicholas will come to visit us next summer and we can hardly wait. When he turns 15 he no longer needs assistance on flights!

  10. I cannot get over how much you can pack into your travels...the best food, company and scenery...loved it all!

    1. In this way (with my images) you could call me a pack-rat, Donna. HA! I never thought of that before but I think it's probably an apt description. :)


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