Since Donica and I fly home to Atlanta on Friday (but just for the weekend--more about that in my next post), I'm thinking about the BLB (Big Little Boy) that I miss so much, so I have to tell you a Nicholas story! This is one Amy told me in a chat last week from the night before his last day of school (1st grade).

But first, some history. Santa Donica gave Nicholas his first hand-held device for Christmas last year. It was a BIG deal. It came with a couple games and all the paraphernalia for keeping it charged and safe.
BUT, it also came with some very strict rules and regulations that Amy set down for him. One rule was that he was NEVER under any circumstances to take it with him to school or daycare!
Well, guess what! A couple months ago, Nicholas got caught TWICE with his Nintendo DS, at school AND daycare. Even after a long suspension the first time, he still did it again. Here was our sweet, little, innocent, mommy-pleasing boy--breaking the rules twice. We ALL were upset (including his teacher!), wondering what he was acting out, etc.
So, back to the story. As Amy was putting Nicholas to bed the night before his last day at school last week, he said, "Mommy, I don't know if I'm ready for 2nd grade . . . I'm scared." To which she said that he was definitely ready and that he had done so well and she was so proud of him.
Then he said, "Yeah, but I got in trouble too much!"
She then reminded him that he's learned from his mistakes and, now that he's finished with 1st grade, he's a bigger boy and will learn to make the right choices.
And he said, "Yeah, 'cuz in 2nd grade you don't get any chances!"
OMG! Talk about a heart-melter.
THEN, to add to the story, Amy said that she immediately remembered later that when he was born almost 7 years ago, just before she went off to the delivery room, her dad was the last one to hug her and had tears in his eyes. As she hugged him, she whispered, "I'm scared!"
I still can't think of this whole story without getting totally choked up. Right now I don't have anything that's scaring me, but if/when I do, I'm quite sure I will remember this chat/post!
Then he said, "Yeah, but I got in trouble too much!"
She then reminded him that he's learned from his mistakes and, now that he's finished with 1st grade, he's a bigger boy and will learn to make the right choices.
And he said, "Yeah, 'cuz in 2nd grade you don't get any chances!"
OMG! Talk about a heart-melter.
THEN, to add to the story, Amy said that she immediately remembered later that when he was born almost 7 years ago, just before she went off to the delivery room, her dad was the last one to hug her and had tears in his eyes. As she hugged him, she whispered, "I'm scared!"
I still can't think of this whole story without getting totally choked up. Right now I don't have anything that's scaring me, but if/when I do, I'm quite sure I will remember this chat/post!