Monday, March 30, 2009

At Face Value

# 741 GRAND CANYON Sheet of 50 2c MNH Stamps 1934.

That was the title of one of my recent sheets of stamps I listed on eBay. Did you get it? It's Scott's catalog #741 of our USPS sheet of 50 stamps from 1934, mint, never hinged, with a face value of 2-cents each. Since I start all my stamp auctions at face value, this auction was listed at $1.00. It ended selling for $11.02 plus S&H.

That got me thinking of face value. When we say we take something at face value, what do we mean?

The definition of face value has to do with the apparent/written value of something as opposed to its market value or real worth right now. Based on this definition, the face value of this sheet is $1.00 but its real value is $11.02.

So if I take YOU at face value, or you take MY SITUATION at face value, is it our way of reducing each other to the most objective, lowest common denominator without the added drama of our subjectivity? Is it in our best interest to see at face value instead of with our penchant for judgmental assessment? Or do we perhaps NEED to judge things in order to give them more worth than their face value?

I'll just let that hang there for awhile.....

In the meantime, I've been selling things on eBay like a mad woman (which I already mentioned a couple posts ago!). Today my 110th eBay auction sold and I've sold 13 books thus far on What's left is mostly philatelic stuff from my years of collecting. I can't take it with me, so I'm selling it. I'm lucky it still holds value...not only its face value but more. The nice thing about stamps is that you know what price to start at (since you can use stamps even from 1934 at their face value!)...and assume it'll only go up, if the stamps are old and scarce. The scarcer the better!

In between the listing and selling is the packaging up and mailing, which I actually love. The whole process from beginning to end is so ME.

At face value, you can safely say I'm having fun! For what it's worth, I'm very grateful to have a way of adding nickels and dimes to the coffers for when the house sells. Nothing new to add on that end of things...not yet. Maybe once I'm finished with eBay, the house will stop holding its breath and will say "Come buy me...for what I'm worth!"

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's HERE!

After several consecutive days of rain and very cold weather, SPRING has finally hit us here in Atlanta!

So I have started to take walks again around the neighborhood and am seeing things again as though for the first time. For some reason, this past winter was a lot harder than usual...maybe for everyone around the country?

With camera in hand, I am enthralled by what happens at this time of the year. It's a sermon unfolding before our very eyes...that as surely as the night comes, it will pass and daylight will arrive. As surely as Winter's breath clutches us, Spring's freshness will release us and set us free.

Let's go fly a kite! This kite has been in this tree for years, weathered by everything that comes its way. I can't help but think it'd much rather be flying!!! I know I would...right this very minute!

On a house-selling note, activity has been very slim, but I've actually been glad because I'm working hard every day to get stuff listed and sold on eBay,, and Craigslist. So far so good, especially on eBay. Who knew that all those duplicate sheets of stamps I bought years ago would be sold now! Once everything is listed, and relisted (you get two times for the price of one, you know), I'll breathe easier and then will start paying attention to the house selling. Ultimately I am confident the timing will be perfect for all concerned!

In the meantime, I will NOT forget that SPRING IS HERE!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's a ZOO

Just when I think I'm getting my hands wrapped around something, another project presents itself in the same breath. And that's how it's been for several days now...maybe weeks.

One moving van has come and gone (was that really a week ago today!) and what's left has been moved and reorganized to make this house still presentable for selling. Nothing to add to that except that one lady has come back with a measuring tape to measure every room. That sounds promising except for the fact that her husband still needs to see exactly what she's measured!

Apart from that, I'm like a mad woman, scanning and taking pictures of everything I want to sell on eBay, (lots of books have already sold), Craigslist, and the flea-market and consignment stores. Do I really have that much stuff! (sigh) I've decided I definitely want to travel light into my next life!

In the meantime, I take care of Nicholas all weekend and look forward to some good grandma time.

BTW, any takers on the thumb toys above???

Monday, March 02, 2009

Lil' Kicker #2

Just when I thought there were no more sports to try for awhile, along comes flag football for the Big Boy! And wouldn't you know, it's the one sport he REALLY gets! Soccer was okay; baseball was better; swimming wasn't competitive and too much like fun; but FOOTBALL is like...SERIOUS BUSINESS!

Nicholas, age 8-1/2, has now had two games, both of which I was able to attend. Luckily the games are indoors because today Atlanta had its first snow storm of the season. No problem. We all got there and back without a hitch, even though several schools are closed for tomorrow.

The center of attention...well, MY attention, that is.

Here in the foreground, he PAYS attention. Really, he does.

And somehow he always weasles himself in next to the coach's side, eyeballing the next play!

Today Nicholas was the ball-hiker on offense. At first he side-hiked the ball but throughout the rest of the game, he did it through his legs like a pro. So cute! See the size difference in these boys, ages 8-10! Not to worry though because he's one of the fastest on the team!

And even Donica was there today with her video camera and this YouTube for show-and-tell (keep your eyes on #2 because in the first play, he captures the flag!):

YAY for YouTube! If this works, this is my first attempt at posting a video. HA! An old dog doing a new trick...showing a new dog doing an old trick. I love it.

Here's a small photo album from the last two games (20 images). You know how we feel about kids and team sports: it's a valuable life experience, for all of us!

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...