Thursday, September 07, 2017

My Dutch Weathervanes Book

It's done!

It took me only a week to do it...380 images on 94 pages...a book that's been in the wings for a long time, as most of you already know.  I'm glad it's finally come to fruition.


[I apologize that the embed code from Shutterfly does NOT allow this book to be fully displayed correctly in the video.  Pages 34-35 should be a full-page spread, but because it's not, the rest of the book is off-kilter. 

If you click on the "view this photo book larger" link below the video, and then click "view" when it opens, you can see the book exactly as it should be, but it will be hard to read the text unless you enlarge your screen several times:  Ctrl + for Windows; Command + for Mac?]

And now you can also find it on my sidebar.


  1. Ginnie, what a great job! I thoroughly enjoyed every bit. I thought I liked the colourful ones best but have decided the traditional ones are my favourite. I think the birds, such as owls were my all time favourite designs but the Dutch and a favourite too.

    Well done. You must feel a huge sense of accomplishment. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you much, Marie, for taking the time and effort to read this book and pick out what you like most about it. That means more than I can ever say. THANK YOU. It has given me a great sense of satisfaction after all these years of noticing and admiring Dutch vanes!

  2. Hi Ginnie
    What a work Ginnie! I am in admiration and you had to spend a lot of time in this realization supported by interesting explanations. Congratulations, I looked quietly at these 98 pages, it is a colossal work. Bravo!

    1. Most kind and generous of you, Marie. Thank you for taking the time to look at all the pages. It's one of my greatest "satisfactions" ever. :)

  3. I had a chance to look at every page at work, and it is just so beautiful! Very skillfully photographed and thoughtfully arranged. Every gift shop in the Netherlands should sell this book! My favorite is the hart. Wow. How did I miss that one along the way? So well done!

    1. Oh, Ruth. Thank you. It means the world to me that you took the time to look at this page by page. And how you missed the hart, I don't know either, because I also did a watercolor of it. HA! I think you just forgot it. :)

  4. So beautiful and such an amazing project, Mom! I briefly skimmed through the online pages and will wait to see the book in person to look at each photo and read your text more closely. Initial reaction is... wow!

    1. Thank you so much, Amy, for stopping by to look. You will indeed see the real book in October when we see you! :)

  5. This was a labor of love. Most of the weathervane pictures in one book that was a wish for some time. Finally you made it happen. I sat on the other side of the table and heard and saw how it was made. It was a joy. I am so proud of you that you did it. A treasure to keep. I cannot wait to have the book in my hands and flip the pages. IHVJ.

    1. I can't express enough how much I owe to YOU, dear Astrid, for helping to make this dream a reality. YOU were the one who drove us around and had to stop on a dime whenever I gave the word. Thankfully, it did not destroy our marriage. HAHAHA!

  6. Delightful :-) I had no idea that there were so many different varieties of weathervanes.

    The most unusual that I have seen is an Elephant in Oxford, England :-)

    1. Thank you, Cherry, for stopping by to look. The funny thing is that while you may not have as many vanes in the UK, you have incredible ones...ones I actually wanted to include in this book. There's a camel in Camelford, for instance. Have you seen it, I wonder???

    2. I have not seen the camel... But I have seen some pretty cool weathervanes in the UK. When I see an especially unusual one, I always think of you :-)

    3. To be honest, Cherry, some of the best vanes I have ever seen in the UK rival some of the best vanes I have seen in the Netherlands. You can be proud of them! It tickles me that you think of me when you see them. :)

  7. oops, i forgot to comment on your lovely book!!! i just love what you DID there!! awesome job, sister friend!! I also really enjoyed reading what you wrote about the weathervanes... lovely tour! thank you!

    1. You've been in the know about this all along the way, Elaine, and I do thank you for your support. It's one of the most gratifying projects I've ever done. :) Thanks for taking the tour.

  8. I've come back to your post three times now...and I'm only about 60% through your book. I want to savor and not just flip through it. One word. Fantastic. WOW..

    1. You sure know how to make my day, Robin. THANK YOU (in two words!). :)

  9. ok...that was two words. But you get the picture.

  10. Oh my Ginnie this is just amazing.....I love that you put this inspire me to get cracking!

    1. How sweet of you, Donna. So, what book are YOU planning to write??? :)

  11. Bravo, Ginnie, what a great book, good to see you decided on creating it. I love how you sorted the weather vanes according to their themes and added a comment here and there, well done. You made me think about what weather vane I would add to my home if that was the case as my surname doesn't translate into anything tangible, it's just a name.

    BTW Swallows live where I live, they come in spring and leave in autumn and always try to build their nests at our windows and doors!

    1. How wonderful for me, Petra, that you have gone through this book. That means the world to me. The hard copy of it has thrilled me beyond my expectations, so knowing it's a dream come to fruition makes me most pleased. Thank you for sharing my joy.


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