Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April Tulips in Amsterdam

April is Amsterdam's Tulip Festival in 85 locations around the city during a month that is still in lockdown, which is another way of saying it's not for tourists...but for the locals.

And for any of us nearby who just happen to have business there!

Such was the case for Astrid and me a week ago today when we had a business appointment at the American Embassy at 11:30 a.m.  Lucky for us, the embassy is at the Museumplein where Van Gogh and the Rijksmuseum keep watch, as well as a handy underground parking garage.  

Talk about a perfect spot, especially since THIS was one of the 85 locations for a tulip display!

That's the world-famous Rijksmuseum!
The pool in front of it is used all year 'round for any number of things.
Right now it's for showcasing the tulips.

With your back to the Rijksmuseum, all the way at the end of the open field is the Concert Hall.

It's where we had tickets to Mozart's Requiem back in 2013, which we'll never forget.
[Out of the image to the left is the American Embassy.]

Back to the Rijksmuseum, now that you have the lay of the land.
Through that center archway is a through-way for pedestrians and cyclists,
either side of which you can peek into the common areas that are now empty of tourists.
It's a fast way to get from the front to the back of the museum without going around Robin Hood's barn!

For all the times I've seen this museum, I never tire of the easy-to-miss details.
If you don't look up, you have no idea what's there, much of which I'm sure I've still missed.

But back to the tulips.
At the sides of the pond are these huge pots with one tulip variety in each.

"A tulip for every Amsterdamer."
Who knew there could be so many different, exotic varieties!

With the embassy appointment over in time for lunch, we already knew our plan:
Walk over to our favorite Wagamama noodle bar a couple blocks away for takeout.
It's in the same courtyard as Hard Rock Cafe and the Irish Pub, all closed for inside dining.
Lucky for us, the Irish Pub also had takeout, from where we bought our Magner's cider.
OMG!  This is Happy Food for us, especially on a cold but sunny day.

But did I mention that no public toilets were open anywhere????
Takeout places would lose their license if they allowed us in for their WC.
(And thus only one bottle of Magner's!)

So we walked back right away to the Museumplein for our car and drove home.
We spent a total of 5 hours that day on our venture, with only 3 hours in Amsterdam.
Not a usual plan but totally worth it!

This is the time to smell the roses tulips. Just do it!

Friday, April 02, 2021

Easter's Gifts

It begins with death, of course, on this Good Friday:

"The path of those who preach love, and not hatred, is not easy.
They often have to wear a crown of thorns." --Nelson Mandela
(inside the Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp, Belgium, 2019)

Actually, all of Winter (the season still whimpering like a lion in some places) is also Nature's metaphor for death/hibernation, before Spring's resurrection.  I saw it in the hydrangeas I fell in love with.  Does Nature teach us not to fear death?

Because Easter really does happen.  Easter.  Spring.  Resurrection.

Spring here in Gorinchem jump-started at the end of January with warm rains.
And then a week later came the snow and ice, putting everything on pause!

A month later, at the beginning of March, things picked up again.
We knew it would!

Every Monday, walking home from grocery shopping, I saw the change.

It took my breath away...more than any other Spring ever.
(Was this one of the pandemic gifts?)

The Lion of Winter, of course, always gives way to the Lamb.
The Promise.

That's when Astrid started working her magic, thinking up how we could make this Easter extra special through the eyes of our wee lambsy-divey granddaughter, Hailey, age 2-1/2.

For several weeks in a row, Astrid blew out the yolks of eggs (Saturday breakfasts for us!),
and saved up the shells for the day she started painting them, March 26.
She painted these at home, practicing with different paints, 
making sure everything worked.

(She's one very clever, talented artist, if I may say so myself!)

Then, last Saturday, off we went to Hailey's house to see if she'd catch Oma's bug!

Even Papa caught it and was a good sport.

Both he AND Oma painted their own egg, with Hailey beside them.
(And in case you're wondering, NO, Oma Ginnie made herself the designated photographer.)

I think we found our new, budding artist!
Don't you just love her blobs/globs of paint?!  Why didn't WE think of that?!

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
--Winnie the Pooh

Oma Astrid knows all about cleanup, after which we ate lunch.

Easter.  Spring.  Resurrection.  Hailey.

I don't know about you but it's all different this year, taking on new meaning.
Gifts for the Soul midst the pandemic that's still not over, especially here in Europe.
(My two Pfizer jabs are scheduled for April 15 and May 20.
Hopefully Astrid's will come shortly thereafter!)

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...