Friday, June 30, 2023

Our Denmark Trip Overview

First of all, it was a 19-day, 7-hotel, 3,399-km/2,112-mi trip (in our own car!) from June 4-22.  So, if this seems like a long post, it IS!  It was a long trip and covered a lot of territory!

And, as I always say, it's for the record!

[credit:  Wikipedia]
Denmark is composed of over 1400 islands but these are the big ones, 6 of which we visited.

This is the route Astrid calculated from hotel to hotel (white dots) without side trips.
We drove from Gorinchem to the Xenia hotel (in Flensburg, Germany) going,
and from the Røbyhavn ferry to Celle, Germany, back to Gorinchem.

The rest now is from what Astrid and I both shared on Facebook throughout the trip.  Best to fasten your seatbelts!

Day 1, June 4:  From Gorinchem to Flensburg, from the Xenia Hotel in Germany (630 km/392 mi)

Our first hotel, just one mile from the Denmark border!

Astrid's take.

Day 2, June 5:  Ribe and Elsbjerg, from the Refborg Hotel in Billund (190 km/118 mi):

Ribe is the oldest town in Scandinavia, let alone Denmark.
And, yes, we visited the cathedral but have posted no inside photos on FB yet.

Astrid's take.
(And, yes, she...not I...climbed to the top of the tower.)

From Ribe we took a quick side trip To Elsbjerg just to see this Men by the Sea sculpture.
It's 9 meters/30 feet tall!

Day 3, June 6:  Legoland, from the Refborg Hotel in Billund (0 km/0 mi):

As you'd guess, this was one of our trip's destination goals and highlights.
And what we posted on FB was only a smattering!

Can you believe we saw the Men by the Sea sculpture there in Miniland!

If you didn't look up, you'd miss them.

The Mini Boats section with world-wide landmarks.

Several hands-on places for creativity.

Astrid's take.
And btw, we walked a total of 7 km that day!

Day 4, June 7:  Ringkøbing Fjord, from the Refborg Hotel in Billund (216 km/134 mi):

Because of all the walking at Legoland, we took a leisurely day driving the back roads,
counterclockwise, around the Ringkøbing bay/lagoon that really isn't a fjord.
We even stopped at the Stauning Whisky distillery, but that's another story, another day.

Day 5, June 8:  Vejle, from the Hørhavegården B&B in Århus (110 km/68 mi):

Did you know Denmark had windmills?  And what about its architecture?
This was definitely the place to see both.

Astrid's take on the windmill.

Day 6, June 9:  Den Gamle By, from the Hørhavegården B&B in Århus (18 km/11 mi):
It was important for us to see this open-air museum mainly to get a feel for Denmark's culture.
We love museums like this!

Astrid's take.

Day 7, June 10:  Ålborg and Sæby, from the Hørhavegården B&B in Århus (395 km/245 mi):

We first drove to Ålborg to find as many of their 65+ murals in one hour, of which these are the best.
Ålborg happens to be the 4th largest urban settlement in Denmark, which is why we didn't 
find that many in an hour.  They were spread out all over the city!

Our goal for the day was to visit Sæby, the farthest north of all our Denmark stops.
The monastery Church of Saint Mary from 1470 was our goal for the day.
And, yes, it was windy!

Astrid's take.

Astrid's take of the inside.
[I plan to do a later post on just the inside of important churches we saw.]

Day 8, June 11:  Ebeltoft, from the Hørhavegården B&B in Århus (122 km/76 mi):

It was another leisurely day, to visit Denmark's smallest town hall (center),
and get our fill, again, of half-timbered houses.

Day 9, June 12:  Assens and Aarup from the Knudsens Gaard hotel in Odense (192 km/119 mi):

This was the day we drove from Jutland to Funen island,
crossing the Little Belt bridge, and then driving the back roads to our next hotel,
visiting the church in Assens and the windmill in Aarup. 

Day 10, June 13:  Fåborg and Egeskov Castle, from Knudsens Gaard hotel in Odense (93 km/58 mi):

Harbor towns and half-timbered houses!
That's why we stopped in Fåborg on our way to the castle.
Besides, it was my 78th birthday and this was my kind of gift to start the day.

And THIS was the cherry on top!

Astrid's take on both.

Day 11, June 14:  Odense and Nyborg, to the Comwell hotel in Køge (123 km/76 mi):

Odense is one of Denmark's oldest cities and the 3rd largest behind Copenhagen and Århus.
It's also the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen, their famous author of fairy tales.
We spent the morning there before moving on to our next island and hotel.

Astrid's take.

The Great Belt Bridge connecting Funen to Zealand island is 18 km/11 mi long.
On our way to Køge, we stopped in Nyborg and continued on the back roads.
The windmill is just outside of Køge and is from 1887.

Day 12, June 15:  Roskilde, from the Comwell hotel in Køge (63 km/39 mi):

Roskilde was Denmark's first capital city from the 11th century to 1443.
It's main attraction is the cathedral, dubbed "the mausoleum of the Danish Royal family," a UNESCO
 World Heritage Site.  [Only the pulpit and organ for now, for Preacher Dad and musician Mom!]
Roskilde also has Denmark's oldest train station, from 1847 (top-center).

Day 13, June 16:  Copenhagen, from the Comwell hotel in Køge (39 km/24 mi):

Can you believe that originally we were NOT going to visit Copenhagen!
I was there in my past life and we both don't really like big cities.
But Astrid figured out a route to pop in and out, just to see the Little Mermaid
and the colorful houses of Nyhavn...and then a surprise canal tour.
It ended up being a 15,000-step, 6.5-hour day!

Astrid's take.

Day 14, June 17:  Køge, from the Comwell hotel in Køge (6 km/4 mi):

By now, we needed a vacation!
So we stayed in Køge, visiting city center (3 km away), eating on our balcony,
and playing Five Crowns on the hotel's terrace (with cows grazing nearby).
Just what the doctor ordered!

Day 15, June 18:  Stevns Klint and Fanefjord kirke, to the Klintholm B&B in Borre (148 km/92 mi):

On the last leg of our trip, from Køge to Borre, it was a "must" to see the chalk cliffs on Møn island.
We started at Stevns Klint with this Højerup church, another UNESCO site,
with a path leading down to the shoreline.

Astrid's take.
I stopped at the top of the bottom stairs and waved to Astrid at the beach.
I did not want to mess up my left "fake" knee ahead of the bigger cliffs the next day.

We drove 6.5 hours on the back roads to our new hotel, seeing what makes Denmark tick.
The white Fanefjord church (left-center) was one of the best we saw inside.

Day 16, June 19:  Møns Klint, from the Klintholm B&B in Borre (19 km/12 mi):

Besides Legoland, the chalk cliffs on Møns island were our main "destinations" for Denmark.
They became the bookends that held the rest of our trip together.
In this case, it was 500 steps each way and doable.
It probably helped that I had had so much exercise the rest of the trip!

Astrid's take.

Day 17, June 20:  Megalithic Tombs, from the Klintholm B&B in Borre (146 km/91 mi):

On our last full day in Denmark, and after 8 hours on the back roads, visiting 2 churches, a
lighthouse, and one harbor, THIS is what stood out:  2 of the long-barrow/tombs from the Stone Age.
Top row:  the King Asgers Høj long barrow that's 10 meters long on the inside.
Bottom row:  a tomb (without the mound) that is like a circle inside, 150 meters away.
There are 120 such tombs all over the Møns island, from  5-6,000 years ago!

Day 18, June 21:  Half-Timbered Houses, from our hotel in Celle, Germany (365 km/227 mi):

Leaving Denmark on the Rødby ferry to Puttgarden, Germany, we continued on to Celle,
just to the east of Hannover (where I had lived off-n-on for 2 years in my past life).
I so wanted Astrid to see this incredible city, with over 500 such structures in the city center alone.  
"Celle has the most densely packed, largest assembly of half-timbered buildings in the world."
What a way to end our trip, full of half-timbered gluttony!

Astrid's take.

Day 19, June 22:  from our hotel in Celle, Germany, to Gorinchem/home (431 km/268 mi):

We arrived Home-Sweet-Home at 2 p.m. that Thursday,
3,399 km/2,112 miles from when we had left on Sunday, June 4.
And, yes, Astrid drove them all!

Are we glad we did it???  Are you kidding me!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Family Time on Texel Island, NL

When you don't know how to begin a story that's so stupendous it's hard to believe, you start with an exclamation:

It was Fabulous!  Unbelievable!  A miracle!

It begins with the fact that Astrid's ex-husband (Jaap) owns a bungalow on Texel Island with his sister, having access to it every other month.  I don't remember how it was decided but because the wee kids (now 4+) had school vacation in May, Jeroen and Marissa, who are now legally "married," wanted all of us as a family to celebrate a wee vacation on Texel.  That included Jaap, Astrid and me!

So we did!  It helps, of course, that Astrid, Jaap and I are the best of friends and don't give a sh*t about what other people think.

Like I said, I don't know where to start but how about this, taken by a neighbor.
[l to r:  Jaap, Jeroen, Ginnie, Astrid, and Marissa, with Hailey and Sem in front]

Hailey, btw, is Jeroen's daughter, one month younger than Sem, who is Marissa's son.
We've decided they're twins!  And because this Texel bungalow has been Jeroen's
second home his entire life, he obviously wants to "pass it down."

Mother, father and son...and Ginnie!
Guess who the babysitters are:  Opa and the two Omas! of which still remembers her tricks, yes!

It was a week together for Jaap, Astrid and me, Wednesday to Wednesday,
with the kids joining us from Thursday to Sunday for the school vacation.
Lots of fine dining, both at home and at the beach.

[photo credit:  Astrid]
Speaking of the beach, it's only a 20+-minute walk from the bungalow.

[photo credit:  a passer-by who offered]
Don't you love it?! 

[photo credit:  Astrid and Ginnie]
The forest, also, is right at the fingertips of the bungalow, perfect for everyday walks.

Jaap, Astrid and I took them even when the kids weren't with us.
Talk about a therapeutic place!

There's more...a lot more...but for now, this is about us as a family.

One big, happy, blended, intertwined, connected family!

Good-bye, until the next time!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm at the wire with this post, just before Astrid and I leave for an almost 3-week drive through Denmark, starting early tomorrow morning.  But just for the halibut, and because I turn 78 while we're gone, I leave you this from Texel:  

We're never too old to have fun and enjoy life, right?!

It's all Fabulous!  Unbelievable!  A miracle!

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...