Thursday, October 05, 2023

A Working Vacation on Texel Island, NL

You may remember that, back in May, Astrid and I spent time with her family (including Jaap, her ex) at their bungalow on Texel Island, the first time we had been there since we went alone in 2011.

It so happens that Jaap needed to do yard maintenance before the coming winter months and asked if Astrid would be willing to help him (just like she had always done when they were married).  Needless to say, he didn't have to ask us twice!

So, we left on Thursday morning, September 28, and returned on the following Wednesday, October 4, yesterday.

It's a 2-hour drive from home to Den Helder, where we catch the ferry to Texel.
Once on the ferry (a 20-min. ride), the vacation has already started!

And believe it or not, before going to the bungalow, we stopped in De Koog
to exchange my sheepskin slippers (from May) to a smaller size and style...
and added our first ice cream of the vacation for good measure.


That afternoon we went for a walk in the nearby woods,
past the "Sander" bench (for another Sander) which we've claimed as our own,
in honor of Astrid's brother Alexander (Sander).

The next day, Friday, we drove to the Texel lighthouse at the northern tip of the island,
where we stopped first for a latte macchiato and a shared appeltaart.


Be calm my beating heart!

The next day, Saturday, we drove to Den Hoorn,
known for its quaint little church...

with its many faces...

which we visited after another morning latte macchiato break, of course.  


Because it was Saturday, several members were preparing the place for a special Sunday service,
apparently with 20 violinists present (which we missed, regrettably).
But see what I mean by quaint!

Jaap arrived that afternoon, after which we ate out in the bungalow park for our first main meal together,

following which we played Five Crowns...and every evening thereafter (except one).

Sunday was Jaap and Astrid's first working day on the yard...

continued the next day, Monday.  And because it rained off-n-on all day Tuesday,
it was easy to say that was enough.  Jaap would finish the rest on his own, after we left.

Remains of the day!

And because we could, each day we ate out, this time (Sunday) at the Paal 17 on the beach...

and this time (Monday) at my favorite Catharinahoeve pannekoeken restaurant in the woods...

after which Jaap stopped at his favorite honor stand to buy sand-dune potatoes for himself.
They have a very distinct taste, he says, that he really likes.

It was fun to watch Jaap and Astrid plan things out...

while I sat in my corner playing games, Sudoku, or knitting mutsjes for next Easter.

Our last full day, Tuesday, when it wasn't raining, Astrid and I took another walk.

Life on the island for kids is a whole other world!

But Astrid's and my world is still about photographing what we see.
Those tiny ants actually kept the maggot from falling off the log as they rounded the tree knot!
(Sorry that the main photo is not sharp but it started the series.)

All God's creatures great and small!

Our last evening meal together was at this delightful chicken restaurant in De Koog...
finished off by another ice cream at the same place where we were on Thursday.


As we left yesterday morning, Wednesday, with the morning sun favoring us all,
we said our fleeting good-byes to yet another Texel "experience" in one year.
Working or not, it's a... 


And on that note, we now prepare for our annual trip to Atlanta, 2 weeks from today.  Did I ever mention that this is the time of the year when I feel like I'm sliding down to the New Year?!

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...