Sunday, February 11, 2024

Two iPhone 15 Pro Maxes

This is one of those for-the-record posts so that we don't forget the how/why/what/when/where parts of the story.

Back in November 2021, Astrid bit the bullet and bought her first smart phone, which was an iPhone 12, all about which I posted here.  In October 2022, almost a year later, I followed suit with my own iPhone 12, because I was totally impressed with its camera for inside shots in particular.

That was then; this is now.

When we realized we'd get a bit of a windfall from Sander's inheritance, after his death last year, I told Astrid that as his "gift" to us both, for all the blood, sweat and tears, why don't we upgrade to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, specifically for the camera.  It was the only thing I wanted from him but I didn't want to have the better phone camera without her having it too.  She was convinced enough to go along.

So this past Thursday (in sync with our 14th wedding anniversary on Monday the 5th!), we did the same routine as in 2021:  we drove to Amsterdam's Museumplein to park, walked to the Apple Store a couple blocks away (with a quick latte macchiato along the way), picked up our new phones--with help in transferring everything from our old phones in 45 minutes, walked to Wagamama a block away for a celebratory lunch, and then drove back home.

Our celebratory lunch (last photo with my iPhone 12)!

And now we're playing.  It's a new learning curve, besides the fact that the Max part of the phone is what gives it a 5x zoom, instead of the 3x for simply the Pro.  Since the phone camera is what we both use for certain situations, exceeding the strength our our Canon PhotoShot cameras, it was important to "go for broke," getting the best, which should last us a loooooooong time.

So, YES, I started playing around in the car, especially with the depth of field.

And then at home...options galore to explore.

Astrid, too, is our Happy Hour (top--Willem's shoe) and at home...

...and then on her bike ride yesterday morning.

Soon we'll make a date to go out somewhere together, just to play around with our new "cameras."  We'll continue to use both of our cameras, of course, because the Canons give us incredible zoom (70x) for when we need it.  We even bought travel cases with straps for our iPhones, so that we can strap both phones/cameras around our necks to use interchangeably.  

How's that for teaching old dogs new tricks!

Thank you, Sander, for the tear and the smile.  

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...