Monday, January 24, 2005

Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer

While in Paris (October 2004), Ruth took us to the Louvre, Orsay and Rodin museums. Of everything we saw, the one piece of art that still haunts my Soul is this life-sized bronze from Edgar Degas at the Orsay, entitled Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer. I have always loved bronzes and was stunned by the added cotton, gauze-like skirt and satin hair ribbon. But it was the attitude, the look on her face, her stance: "a fascinating three-dimensional look at the creative spirit, as we watch the young performer envision her entire dance within her mind."

I remember when I was fourteen, starting high school. I certainly don't remember feeling this self-assured! I wish I could have met her. I would have asked her to teach me to dance.


  1. She IS amazing. It's fun to think about your 14-year-old self. There is always dancing in our imagination . . .


  2. What's sad-but-true about this, Ruth, is that dancing was ONLY in my imagination and my spirit. It's high time it comes out into reality, don't you think!

  3. Absolutely! I'm afraid I've done little of either. So you're at least a good way there. As a teabag quote from a friend says, "On with the dance, let joy be unconfined . . . " - Mark Twain


  4. Oops! Just had to find out what that icon was and guess what, Ruth, I deleted your post from 11:09 a.m. Arrgh! The good news is that once I realized what I did, I copied and pasted it back in. I'll be a good girl from now on. 'Course, I probably could have "undone" what I did and no one would have known, but I'm not that savvy yet!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...