Thursday, August 20, 2009

ABF U-Pack Moving

This is a commercial!

If you ever need to move a small load of stuff from A to B, and don't want the hassle of doing it yourself, this is the way to do it. Guaranteed.

Oh, and did I mention that it will probably also save you lots of moo-lah!

In my present moving scheme of things, I needed to transport several heirloom items (irreplaceable furniture pieces from my parents and grandparents) to a sister in Michigan. I can't take them with me and daughter Amy doesn't want them. But they needed to stay in the family, if you catch my drift.

So I did the research and found out this is the way to go. The only glitch is that YOU do the packing and the unloading on both ends. You leave the driving to them!

A very nice gentleman delivered the 6'x7'x8' ReloCube to my house one week. Here you see him driving the forklift off his truck at the head of our drive. There was no way he could bring his big truck down into the woods, to the house, he said. But no prob! He was a pro at his job and knew exactly what to do.

The next thing I knew, the Relocube was situated near the house off the drive, ready for me to pack. I had almost a week to do it, so Dennis and Mark had plenty of time to find a day that worked to accomplish the deed (with blood, sweat and tears!) in about an hour. The funny thing is that I had fully planned to take pictures of them working but totally forgot until they were all done (for which they were thankful, they said!).

From that point, all I had to do was make sure everything was roped down into place for the 850-mile transport to Michigan.

The good news: I found out last evening from sister Nancy that everything arrived in great shape. No mishaps, nothing damaged.

So, keep this in mind if ever you need to transport something long-distance and do NOT want the hassle of driving the load yourself. It ended up costing approximately half the price of doing it myself in the smallest U-Haul truck. Can't beat that!

Like I said, this is a commercial! ABF U-Pack Moving.


  1. What a great idea! If Iever have to move...this sounds like the ticket......

  2. It looks like Charlotte's web in there! I tell you, I've moved short and I've moved long, and the longer the move the easier. That's what I think, at least.

    If you've moving long, someone else has to take over. Moving down the street always leads to a lot of personal toting of boxes and what-not. It's so close, don't you know ;-)

    Glad to hear everything arrived safely. One more thing can be checked off that list you're surely carrying around in your head!

  3. Neva: It is a great option, if you want to leave the hassle of driving to someone else! :)

    SA: I like that: Charlotte's Web. Indeed! Some of the rope was plastic-coated cable wires, so I knew it would be strong. It was.

    You're right about long vs. short moves. For one thing, you usually pack better for the longer moves. For those short moves, you tend to just throw things into the car. In my move to overseas, I'm trying to be as compact as possible, utilizing every square inch in any given box!

  4. I'm so glad you back in a blogging mood!

  5. Hlad to hear that all goods arrived safely. I wonder if there is a similar service in Europe. Not that we're preparing to move, but it's always good to be informed.

  6. From your post I can tell you're back in your good and humoristic mood and that's great Ginnie!

    Move on and Happy Weekend :-)

  7. Been thinking of you Ginnie.... hope you're doing well!

    This moving idea is great, but I especially love your skills with the ropes ;-)

    Kim xo

  8. I havent tackled a major move for over 30 years... yikes, I'm dreading it when the time comes! But I don't think that company is available in Canada. Sounds like a brill idea though.

  9. Susan: I continue at my photoblog more regularly than here, but I will try to stay up with things here as well. Little by little. Thanks.

    CS: There IS a similar service which I plan to utilize for some smaller things I plan to ship over, Sandra. They're called TruckPacks. Let me know if you need more info but if you follow the link, there is an International page! Lots of luck.

    Renny: I am definitely optimistic and ready to move on! Please send me your good vibes. :)

    T1: HA! That rope tying was actually quite fun. I probably over-did it. The ABF man said he rarely saw a U-Pack packed and tied down that well. :)

    Sham: You should check it out because they DO have an International page if you follow the link. But hopefully you'll never have to move!

  10. We need something like this too actually! To transport from North Van to hear and I think UHAUL is so pricey but the only service we have to vow to use. ARGH! Talk about frustration, so much that I have been holding it off.

    Maybe I'll see if they are in Canada... I think we finally move into a bigger place this weekend..

    Bigger - well double the size of our very small place!

    Yeah for a post, just when my parents were in town. ;-)

    and I totally understand the heirloom thing...

  11. Ginnie, I knew you were from Michigan.. We go to Petosky every summer...on Walloon Lake actually. I love it up there. I love your Michigan wedding photo. What a great shot.....

  12. I love this post on moving...I know what skills it takes to move without damage...I know you can do it....
    I am glad Nancy got everything in one piece.
    Do you get a discount on your next move by them.....GRIN..just asking....
    I know the company is happy with you and so am I.

    @ Neva.....Petosky.....I have been playing fast-pitch softball at Petosky in 1978....I played for a Dutch team, HCAW and we had an invitation by a baseball team from Grand Rapids, it was just great playing there too, we even went to a Tigers match, I ended up with a signed baseball that was slammed into the audience.

  13. Astrid: No discount yet on my next move but I definitely plan to use them for the int'l shipping. I've been a very happy camper with them! Just think of all the memories you have from all those years ago in Michigan. Who would have known our paths would cross like this! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...