Thursday, February 18, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a blue moon
the surprise is so unexpected
all you can do is howl.

Eleven days after our wedding ceremony,
4 days after submitting my application...
I have been given permission to stay in the Netherlands till February 12, 2011,
before filing for a five-year extension.

My faith was unswerving; I believed it would happen.
But this soon??? NOOIT. NEVER.

Rejoice with me/us. You were in the grandstands rooting!


  1. Congratulations!

    It's amazing the speed with which bureaucracy can sometimes move, and I'm thrilled that it moved this quickly for you.

  2. Your faith was far bigger than my faith in 'our system'.....
    I could not believe it, I read the letter a few times between my tears of joy, I still have tears in my eyes...
    We never expected it to be so fast.
    We will celebrate now.....
    een dikke kus.
    BTW a wonderful picture......the blue moon is in our windowsil and the sun shines through it.

  3. Hooray!! How wonderful a surprise and confirmation, once again, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and with the one that holds your heart!

    Congratulations to you Ginnie and to you both!

    With joy ... linda

  4. Oh my oh my....but we TOLD you!!!!!!

    Best congratulations!

  5. That's fantastic news, Ginnie! Congratulations!

  6. I knew it was going to be a landslide... YES!! Congrats... ;-)

    And that photo of the wolves... Wow... I'm in heaven!!!! Love it!

  7. Adam: We're still totally shocked...over-the-moon shocked! Needless to say, we're thrilled. Thanks for your support.

    Astrid: I watched you and the look on your face, making sure my own eyes had not deceived me. It was too good to be true. I had to be sure...and your tears told me everything I needed to know. Bedankt, Mijn Liefste.

    Linda: Your words bring tears to my eyes. You know these things and can celebrate with us. Thank you!

    Deborah: I know, I know. I said the same to Astrid. But I must say that even I was surprised beyond words. I would not have believed it was possible in a hundred lifetimes!

    CS: Can you believe it? We both are still stunned with disbelief. I had jokingly said to Astrid the other day that wouldn't it be something if we heard back within 2 weeks. THAT WAS A JOKE. We heard back in less than a week. Yes, I'm over the moon!

    ET: My wait was as short as yours was long, which doesn't seem fair at all. Don't you wonder how things happen like that! Thanks for being excited with us. We need another celebration...and we just had one. :)

  8. I heard you howling from here! Isn't it cool how this sculpture now takes on a new connection?

    I'm so happy for you, my dear.

  9. It must have been like a wedding gift fot the both you,
    my dear blogger friend.

    The photo is magnificient.

    About the "original" inuksuk, read here:

  10. Ruth: I bet you did hear me! And yes, this wolf/moon sculpture will never be the same. I'm so glad I decided to keep it and bring it with me!

    Tor: A wedding gift is a good way to put it, yes. I like that. We are so fortunate and blessed. And thanks for the link to the Norwegian inukshuk. I love it!

  11. That is a wonderful news. Hugs to you and Astrid.

    There's a cold one in the fridge that's set aside just for this occassion. You're right, I wasn't expecting to open it this yet. Hey, if it's good news, why wait. The sooner the better.

  12. Oh my goodness, that was quick! I'm sure that you are very relieved.
    Sometimes beaurocracy can work with us instead of against us, surprisingly!
    Wehn you file for a five year extension, does that mean you will be able to become a Dutch citizen eventually?

  13. PC: Thanks for your virtual hugs, Maria, and the cold one in the fridge. The sooner the better is right! :)

    Sham: So quick we still can't believe it! Actually, I do not intend to become a Dutch citizen because when we are allowed by the USA, we plan to move back there. We have more family there than here. Astrid only has her son here. Her brother lives on Vancouver Island, believe it or not! She has always wanted to live in the States (after living there one year in her 20s). Financially it'll be better there, too. So the extensions will only be for residence permits. After the first 5 years, I believe there's one more 5-year stint before it's "forever." I'm hoping we will be able to move back before the second 5 years. We'll see is America will allow same-sex marriages by then!.

  14. Oh, my goodness gracious! How absolutely wonderful! I'm astonished that things moved so quickly. I expected approval, but not at this speed.

    Say - if you two are able to move bureaucracies, you wouldn't like to come over here and see what you can do with our Congress, by any chance? ;-) No, I thought not.

    Well. Now you really can begin settling into your new life with confidence. I am beside myself with joy for you.

  15. SA: Astonishment is the perfect word for this, Linda. For one thing, mail arrives quickly, usually by the next day, from anywhere here in this small country. So you can do something, mail the news, and have someone get it the next day. We're still in 7th heaven (over the moon?). Astrid is definitely more relaxed and that feels good. Thanks for your wonderful support of us and this big accomplishment!

  16. Thank you kindly, Aruna, for stopping by and commenting!

  17. I heard the howl as well, and simultaneously howled along with you. All the dogs in the neighborhood joined in and I think I heard the rooster singing a little fearful harmony.

    Yay for Ginny and Astrid!

  18. Great picture and great news. Rejoice!

  19. Don: I love hearing the rooster lending his voice to the choir! Big smiles all around. :) Thank you!

    Susan: THANK YOU. We are definitely rejoicing!

  20. I usually don’t use the word “awesome” but in this case I do believe that it fits – it is awesome news, something to howl about for sure. So many people were sending positives thoughts to the Dutch administration on your behalf that they had to grant you this permit, and I am pleased that they heard us. You see as I said, everything will turn out, and it certainly did, as they say here “in a New York second.” Bravo.

  21. Hurray hurray!! So excited for you!
    I hope to do part 2 Atlanta post sometime today/tonight...check back tomorrow. I think i did all the touristy things you can do in DT Atlanta on foot. Except the Underground. CNN Tour, WOCC Tour, Aquarium, Olympic Park, lots of delicious food!

  22. Vagabonde: We really believe that that mindfulness of so many people all around the world "tipped" this miracle into being. It really does have an awe factor! Thanks for YOUR energy to make it happen.

    Mad: And I'm happy for YOU! To think you are in my former stomping ground...without me there to meet up with you! Boo Hoo. :(

  23. This didn't show up in my Bloglines until right this minute! (Better switch to Google Reader!)

    Well congratulations!! That is such good, good news, and so very fast. I knew it would happen but you must be so relieved to have it all over with. Onward and upward!

  24. Congratulations...You are a kind and generous soul and deserve the very best...and I found your email finally....Hugs and Be Happy Forever...Joanne and Alan

  25. Christina: HA I have Google Reader and love it, so please switch. :) We are so thrilled by all these events, as you can imagine. And yes, relieved!

    Joanne and Alan: You have just made my day! THANK YOU!

  26. Karen: Thank you for sharing our joy!

    Frida: Thank you. We are on top of the world...over the moon. :)

  27. Elf dagen!?! The US government couldn't sharpen a pencil in eleven days! Impressive! Felicitaties!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...