"After this many albums and hundreds of songs," she says, "you want to find new things to say, new ways to say them. For me, one of the most exciting aspects of what I do is hearing some hidden part of myself reflected back in the songs of someone else. It's why that connection to artists we love is so deep. And then the alchemy of the band and I finding a way to make these songs our own—that's what keeps me coming back. Like prisms reflecting back on each other, we're souls alike."How do you even start to talk about artists like this who have a lifetime of colored, lime-lighted history behind them! Artists who find their Soul and share it on stage with a community of musicians they've attracted to themselves. Artists not selfish with the limelight who have global interests and causes much bigger than themselves.
This is one redheaded Crone who knows how to sing the Blues, whether about the hurricane disaster in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, the gas wars, or personal relationships!
(So very Soulful to this redheaded crone who sang along with her.)
Indeed, PG! Hopefully we all get better as we get older :)