Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbows

Yesterday was a chilly, low 50's, rainy day here in Hannover. The kind of chill that goes straight to the bone, even with a long-sleeved T-shirt and sweatshirt!

After supper, Donica and I started playing cards (which helps her relax more than just about anything) when suddenly she exclaimed, "Look at the rainbow!" And right there in front of us, outside the living-room window was this:

Remember that our windows are more like slanted, accessible skylights in our attic apartment. So once they're open, they're basically horizontal (like a table), reflecting what they see.

Since there were so many beautiful variations on the theme, I couldn't choose just one! The one above is Donica's favorite, not only because the rainbow arched the chimney but because of the difference in color inside vs. outside the bow.

This is my favorite, below, because within a minute or two, the second rainbow appeared. At one point, there were actually 4 rainbows because of the reflections.

I don't always post every day nor do I "ever" post more than once a day. BUT, sometimes there just have to be exceptions. Something else is ready for tomorrow AND Friday starts our cruise. So for today, you have Fire (previous post) and Rainbows!


  1. Oh, those pictures are GORGEOUS, Ginnie! I don't even think I could pick my favourite.

    We were having the rain and the sun all at the same time yesterday too and I kept waiting for a rainbow to appear because we often see one here, but no such luck.

  2. Those are wonderful photos!

    Donica's favourite reminds me of a sci-fi dome, with the 'real' sky on the outside. The colour contrast is amazing.

  3. Gorgeous! I especially like the reflections in the last one. Rainbows are so special. Those must have been magical moments.

  4. Christina: Hmmm. Wish you had seen ours because it was really brilliant!

    DW: And thanks to you as well. You hit the nail on the head because rainbows are so sci-fi. Like of another world!

    Jozee: Magical, indeed!

  5. I love em all Ginnie!!!. It's rain here all week so I should be looking out for rainbows also. But I'm not so sure we will even get sun today...

  6. magnificent! layers of clouds, layers of sky blue, layers of bricks, layers of beauty. complex and fabulous. wow. sometimes these things just happen, and how sweet that you could get in on digital. great job.

  7. ET: We just had another hint of a rainbow tonight in very similar conditions to last night. Rain and sun all day long. Must be that time of the year.

    Ruth: Thanks, Sis. Those are moments you have to grab when you can!

  8. Wow, these photos are amazing! I actually saw the first photo before I read the post itself and I almost assumed that it was one of those surrealistic drawings/paintings where if I looked close enough I would see a figure in the reflection from the top of the building in the forefront or something hidden in the clouds. Once I realized it was an actual photograph, I think that's partly why I think it's my favorite. It just doesn't look like a moment actually captured -- everything lines up so perfectly! I think that says quite a bit about your ability to capture the moment. Very cool!

  9. I'm stunned by the beauty of those images!!!!! :) The subject was there, but you are a GREAT photograph!

  10. Lisa: A TRIPLE rainbow! I didn't know such a thing existed. Oooh-la-la. And oh yes, it would be wonderful if the beginning and end of such rainbows could connect us! Thanks for your kind comment.

    Amy: Awww. Thank you!

    MP: I think it's the new camera but thanks (especially coming from you!).

  11. Wow! I wish I could have been with you and see them from real!

  12. Beautiful! They remind me of the one we caught last week. They really are magical, aren't they?? :-)

  13. I think your favorite rainbow picture is my favorite rainbow picture. It also has something to do with the the contrast of the buildings with the rainbow. It's the totality of the picture.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...