Friday, December 15, 2006

It's DONE!

It was a total of 8 hours from beginning to end, from when we arrived at the hospital (10:15a) and then left (6:15p) yesterday.

First we waited for 2 hours before they even called her name. But Mom made it in time to see Donica beforehand, which was nice. The actual surgery DID happen at 1:30, after all. And at 3p, we had the doctor's consultation while Donica was in recovery (where this pic was taken later). Even though there was a lot of waiting, it all went like clockwork.

Besides all that we already knew (the 2 nerves would be cut out), the doctor said he DID find a small hernia about 3/4 inch in diameter, snuggled in next to the nerves. He definitely feels that was part of the culprit but said her symptoms were more nerve-related. The hernia would have grown over time, of course, so the good news is that it, too, is now gone. A plastic mesh is now there to support the muscle walls. So, all in all, we are very happy!

She's in lots of pain, as you'd imagine (the incision is like that for an appendectomy), BUT she was able to walk upstairs to bed last night and downstairs this morning. Don't worry. I will NOT let her overdo it. I want a clean bill of health for her checkup and removal of stitches on the 27th, the day before we all fly to Michigan. I thoroughly enjoy playing nursemaid and know how to keep her in line. HA! Lots of ice on the bandage for the first 24 hours; a pain pill every 4 hours.

This bouquet of flowers was sitting on our front porch when we arrived home last evening, a reminder that we have been cared for by everyone in the WWW! Do you know what that feels like??!! THANK YOU!


  1. Those lilies are gorgeous.
    That was very thoughtful and I am glad Donica is on the mend.
    peace and love to you both,

  2. Thank you so much for the details, Ginnie! I hope every hour of the day she will improve. After all she needs to take a trek through the woods at the cottage with me in a couple of weeks . . . NOT. :)

    Yes, the flowers are beautiful!

  3. So glad to hear that this part of the journey is over and hopefully the surgery will be the end of the pain...period! And I was very impressed to hear that she felt well enough this morning to get out of bed and make the trek downstairs. That says a lot!

  4. THR: The flowers were a wonderful welcome home. Yes, very thoughtful! Thanks for your peace-and-love wishes.

    Ruth: After saying that, she may WANT to trek through the woods with you. :) Yes, the flowers are GORGEOUS!

    Amy: I totally agree! I have been pleasantly surprised at what she's been able to do. But then, this wasn't as bad as the hysterectomy years ago, so it should be easier. Thank God!

  5. I am so relieved that the operation is over, even though I knew it would go well. Give my best to Donica!

    Those are beautiful flowers :)

  6. Glad to read the good news. :) I hope that in a few days Donica will be feeling more like herself, instead of feeling like a patient.

  7. DW: Relief is a good word! That's what I feel as well. In time, when her pain is gone, Donica will be the most relieved of us all.

    Donica will definitely get your best. And I'm glad you like the flowers, from my sister, Ruth!

    Ellie: Ohhh. Thank you for stopping by here, dear lady. I'm guessing Donica will be a pistol in about 2-3 days! :)

  8. The flowers are gorgeous.

    SO glad that everything went as planned. Donica will be up and at 'em in no time, I'm sure, with your tender loving care. :-)

  9. Wanted to extend my heartfelt blessings to the both of you. So good to hear that the surgery went as planned and Donica is recovering in the comforts of home with you by her side.

  10. Sooo very glad to hear it is over and i cross my fingers and toes for the best result!

    What beautiful flowers - saying more than thousand words:-)

  11. Christina: Awww. Thanks for your sentiment. YES to everything.

    Mad: Yes to you as well! It is very good to have her here with me so that I can watch what's happening. :)

    Renny: Yes, Yes, Yes. My heart is such a YES to you all! Thank you.

  12. oh how wonderful! I'm glad things have gone well and you are back home taking good care of her. :-)

  13. Thanks, ET. Every day she does a bit more, so her strength is coming back, even though she's still in a lot of pain!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...