Monday, April 02, 2007

March Madness

HA! April Fools. Sort of, that is. It's no longer March, of course, and it's not April 1, but it IS still March Madness, when it comes to basketball. Tonight is the Men's Final here in Atlanta between Ohio State and Florida; tomorrow night in Cleveland is the Women's Final between Rutgers and Tennessee.

Last year at this time, I showed this same basketball hoop in a cul-de-sac near our house. This pic today is one I took a week ago. Can you believe it? They are almost exactly the same, except for the sky. That tells me it's glory days have long gone by!

While all this madness carries on (and Donica is in the thick of it, because she used to be a guard in high school, remember?), we both fly to Amsterdam today and then to Hannover on Wednesday evening. I'll tell you more about this trip later but this week we'll be packing up our odds-n-ends at the Hannover apartment for a home-away-from-home move to Amsterdam on Saturday before Easter. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, we'll miss tonight's men's final while on the airplane. The women's game tomorrow night--maybe we'll both get up early to watch it (4:21a Amsterdam time)! It'll be hard to know who to root for!


  1. Wow! You sure do move around a lot. It sounds exciting, but sometimes it must get a little tiring too. I really do admire you!

  2. You and Donica are intrepid jet-setters for sure. Does this mean you will not be going back to Hannover, and staying in Amsterdam?

  3. eeeeeeeee! You're moving to Amsterdam??!!! Can I come??!! How Exciting!!!

  4. Karen: It's more tiring for Doncia than for me, because she's the one who works! But she pretty much stays on European time when she comes back for a few days in between. I don't know how she does it! For me, it's a total dream. I feel so lucky!

    Ex-S: You're catching on real fast! I wasn't able to say much until Donica's team in Hannover was told. But you're right. This week we're moving the apartment from Hannover to Amsterdam. We fly to Hannover tomorrow (Wednesday) and pack things up. On Saturday before Easter we drive to Amsterdam with all our worldly goods collected from 2 years.

    RRD: We knew this would be everyone's response! Everyone will now want to come visit us. And yes, if you can arrange it with our schedules, we have a place for you! :)

  5. The secret's out, Ginnie ;) I'm sure you'll be watching the game(thanks to the jet lag). Have a good flight back!

  6. That basketball hoop photo has a beauty all its own. :)

  7. CS: You're probably right about watching the game. Well, actually, it won't be on TV here in AMS but we'll at least get the score!

    Tim: That's what I thought! :)

  8. I cannot get into basketball in the least, but Amsterdam sure sounds lovely.

  9. That probably means you won't care that the TN Vols beat Rutgers, Jay. :) As expected. Okay then, you'll just have to enjoy AMS with me! :)

    BTW,thanks for stopping by and commenting.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...