Monday, July 16, 2007

The Other POV

As I loaded the rest of my pics, I realized this is gonna disappoint the rest of my family because I really didn't take that many family pics this year. Once I saw Ruth taking her many shots, I think I relaxed a bit and realized I didn't always have to be the chronicler!

When we make the long 850-mile drive from Atlanta to the family cottage, we all mark it by the milestones: the first one is the fireworks' store just outside of Chattanooga, TN. Then there's Nashville, Louisville, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne...and then...

...Grand Ledge, where we all grew up and where Mom and Dad are buried. We always stop by the cemetery going up, usually around 6-7a. It's a lovely, quiet time of the day to "remember." My brother, John, who still lives there, is the caretaker of the plot. Thank you, John and Sandy!

Then we're in the "stome hetch." It's another 50 miles to the cottage on Horseshoe Lake!

In random order, as the pics loaded on the's Uncle Don "working" the paper.

Cousin Paul is one of THE photographers from whom Ruth and I learn. This was before the fireworks when he was doing "ghost" shots of Sydney and Casey. I learned a lot just by observing!

Off-n-on I made my Origami cranes, which I started making in 2004. There will be 365 of them when I'm through (from a page-a-day calendar), which I plan to make into a mobile.
This is when I realize my hands are much older than I feel (most of the time)!
(Thanks for taking the pic, Ruth!)

Sometimes the best and quietest moments at the cottage are spent on the deck. I'm not sure what Uncle Don was looking at but since there are only trees over there, maybe it was a falling limb or...bird. Ruth and I both used our laptops to sort through our daily pics.

In the midst of the family hub-bub, only-child Dennis was able to sneak some moments with his fiancee, Amy (my daughter!). I wonder if he survived our big family??? He better get used to it, since he's marrying into it (poor thing)!!!

Aunt Wilma and daughter, Stacy, show us that there's more than one way to get across the lake.

You better believe that the third generation of cousins is very important to us!!! There were 40 of us at the cottage throughout the weekend, 12 of whom are children of our children!

Dennis and Amy challenged Donica and me to Spades! Over the course of 2 days, I won't say who won, but Donica and I aren't gloating because we know the challenge will continue.

There's nothing like the back porch to tell you what's happening at the cottage or what time of the year it is! It'll look entirely different at the next reunion between Christmas and New Year's. That's one of the things I like about that special place in all our hearts.

For those of you who visit my photoblog, today I'm starting a 12-day series of cottage pics, many of which are different from these here. Check them out, if you wish.

Another year, another reunion. How do they possibly come and go so quickly! You tell me!


  1. I have enjoyed the pictures of the cottage. Thanks so much for sharing them. Even more, I enjoy it when you tell me about the history- when it was bought, etc. If you have any more historical treasure, please do share.

  2. It's like a second series of reliving the fun that Ruth brought us from her collection.. 40 ppl.....that's so cool!!! u don't need friends when u have a family as fun as that!!! :)))

  3. I am enjoying your words and photos on both your blogs, Ginnie. What a fun time you all had.

  4. Fantastic series, Ginnie. I betcha Dennis will not only get used to it but will love every moment of your big family! I suppose I should only speak for myself, also an only child, who married into a huge family. Jimmy has 6 brothers and sisters, then add all of the cousins, spouses, nieces and nephews...well...I love this big huge family. Next week, we're having our annual family gathering at our hideaway. Not as many people as you had, but there's quite a lot of activity ahead, that's for sure!

  5. Ginnie - thanks, as always, for your post. Seeing these photos puts a big smile on my face and takes me back instantly to our amazing trip. And for the record, I did survive!... and loved every minute sharing in the Hart Family Legacy that is Hukilau. After only two trips there, I can say, without reservation, that the Cottage has become very much like Hawaii is for me, a place of absolute joy, tranquility, rejuvenation and love. Thank you for sharing!!! Much Love, Dennis

  6. Awwww Ginnie - I wait for your posts here and I am ALWAYS amazed. Thanks once again for sharing and taking us all there. I am watching here and Hart & Soul and loving it all. Dennis has told me what a GREAT time he had - as he just told you!

  7. So Hum: Next year, dear Rachel, I trust you and Swede will join us! Please start saving your nickels and dimes NOW!

    Moi: Yes, following suit to what Ruth did, indeed. And you're right that with a family so big, we hardly need friends. It's hard to keep up on everybody!

    Karen: You're a sweetheart! Thanks for finding me both places!

    Mad: I forgot that you're in a similar situation as Dennis! I'll be eager to see YOUR pics from your gathering next week.

    Dennis: So glad you survived us TWICE! And now you know the difference between summer and winter at the cottage! I still have pause every time you compare Hukilau to Hawaii. That amazes (and pleases) me!

    Judy: One day maybe you and Dave will join us at the cottage. Won't THAT be the day!!! :)

  8. Great post! I'm pretty sure Don is doing a Sudoku. And I LOVE that photo of someone's hands playing Spades, Amy's? Gorgeous. I'm so happy for our blog documentation of these times. :D

  9. Ahh, these are so great. I love the contrast between the black and white and colour pics. You really caught the atmosphere of the place.

    I didn't know you did origami! I dabble now and then and can produce something acceptable if I put my mind to it. That's going to be a fantastic crane mobile.

  10. What a super weekend you all had! My younger son is marrying into a huge family and he has already spent many long weekends a summer cottages and trailers and BBQs etc, lucky so-and-so!
    I love the pic of all the sandals and flip-flops in the porch, it tells a happy story.

  11. My Mom's family is also quite big and I've always loved every "summer Christmas party" I've attended. They do it every year and your pictures take me there again.

    This year's party is on next weekend. Pity I can't be there!

  12. Ruth: Yup. That's Amy's hand playing Spades. And I forgot that I was gonna ask Don some logic questions about Sudoku! Rats. Maybe at Farm Day.

    Christina: I stopped on the cranes in Origami! I didn't want to do all the different things they had planned for each day! The papers they come with are gorgeous, which is why I thought of the mobile. I'll take a pic of it when I'm done. :)

    Ex-S: Huge families are wonderful, but then, I'm used to them and can't imagine anything else! Your son is in for a treat.

    CS: Glad I could take you to a happy memory!

  13. 850 mile drive? Goodness, that's a long way. However, the pics do make it look worth it.


End-of-Life Legalities

  Or a word to the wise (and for the record)! After Sander died in April, 2023...without a Will, remember?...and our tax accountant retired...