Monday, February 18, 2008

Hanging On

The good news is that Donica's rotator-cuff surgery was the best possible scenario of all the possibilities. It was the minimum of what the doctor expected: a scraping/burning off of the bone spur and the bursa. Nothing more. No torn ligaments or muscles. We are very happy campers.

The bad news is that we're now dealing with her mom's stomach and liver cancer which we just found out about on February 1, the day we landed in Atlanta from Amsterdam. She found out the diagnosis the day before, following Sam's funeral.

The cancer is so aggressive that no treatment can be done without doing more harm than good. So all we can do right now is keep Mom comfortable...and be with her as much as possible. She lives 65 miles south of us here in Atlanta.

This is the first time in 4 years that Donica has been home for this long of a stretch. She now has two weeks off to heal from her surgery...time to be with her mom and time to work on "the last details." It's like the Universe "programmed" the surgery to keep her home for Mom!

We have strength for each day as it comes. And we have YOU. God is bedrock. YOU are part of our support system.



  1. So glad that the surgery went well. but so sorry to hear about her mom's stomach and liver cancer, My prayers are being sent that way.

  2. *sigh* Such a difficult situation for all concerned. My heart goes out to you. And yes, what a blessing it is that Donica is able to be with her mom right now.

    The one small light is the great news about Donica's surgery! My dad had the same (I think) operation years ago and it did wonders.

  3. Yes I agree that it's very good that Donica is going to have an easier recovery than might have been, during a time of such busyness and grief. We'll do the best we can to love you both, you need it. You know I'm always here.

  4. God is perfect intelligence and it seems that way with Donica being here with her Mom. My prayers are with you both each day. Namaste.

  5. This will be a special communion for them, and I have no doubt that you will be a part of it, too. Love, love, love.

  6. I think you are so right about the Universe 'programmed' this all, this had to be..... you and I talked many times about this, everything has a reason and I know that my/our words are of great comfort to you both and dear ones, sometimes it is hard to find the words we like to say to be of comfort, but just letting you know you are in my thoughts and prayers will stengthen you and support you as you take it one step at the time, heel veel sterkte in deze moeilijke dagen.

  7. I agree with Astrid, Ginnie as you already know. Words can not express my feelings for YOU ALL at this time. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
    We will support you through thick and thin mijn vreind on that you can depend, as WE are the Musketeers. All for one and one for all.

  8. Dearest Ginnie,
    All my blessings and well wishes being sent your way. It sounds like quite a lot of struggling, yet from what I know of you, Donica and your families, you have a very solid foundation to see through all the stormy weather. You are all in my thoughts my friend.

  9. You know we're all there to support you and help however we can. It is a difficult time for you all right now, but I'm glad that Donica can spend time with her mom. My thoughs and heart go out to you both!

  10. It's a classic case of "The good news is..., the bad news is..."
    Very good news about the rotator-cuff surgery and the outcome, but it must have been quite a shock to discover D's mum's cancer. I'm glad that she will be able to share time with her mum and work out details of the inevitable.
    And I'm sure you are giving everyone your usual sensible support, Ginnie.

    On another note, I am now a "Nana"! My gorgeous grandson came into this world yesterday morning, and not without a long struggle to get here.
    He's beautiful.
    There are pictures on my blog, when you have time.

  11. L&N: A tear and a smile! Thank you, Lilli.

    Christina: Donica is doing better with every passing day while her mom is getting weaker and weaker. It will not be much longer....

    Ruth: Thank you beyond words, dear sister. We need you every day!

    Integrity: You are so right, Bob. Perfect Intelligene and Love, beyond all understanding.

    SHart: Thank you, dear Rachel. We're in new territory with Mom. We did not know it would happen this soon!

    Astrid: The wordless thoughts and prayers are often the best, mijn vriend. I feel the love and comfort and support of the many for the few. Ontzettend bedankt!

    Lurch: Your thoughts are underneath us as our bedrock these days of finality. Thank you, dear friend.

    Mad: Thank you, my dear. I can feel your love and care all across the country!

    CS: Your kind words lift us both up, dear Sandra. I can feel your support lifting us up. Thank you.

    Ex-S: Exactly! Good news, bad news. As the one gets beter, the other gets worse. And as someone leaves us, another arrives. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  12. There are combats you can win, and some you can only loose. That's a part of life we all have to respect and admit.

    Make the best out of it

  13. Even though you are not posting anything new for me to comment on, the love is still flowing in your direction. And that flower from Donica's Mom's yard is so lovely. It's not current is it? Swede said Atlanta was freezing!

  14. You know I'm thinking of both of you and cross my fingers and toes say a proudly supporter!

  15. Praying for strength for Donica in her healing and in her preparations and grieving. And may you feel our prayers as you support her!

  16. Tor: Yes, this is Life. We accept it because there's no other viable alternative! Thank you for that wisdom.

    SHart: Thank you for your love, Rachel. Mom is now in transition and will probably be gone by today or tomorrow. And yes, the daffodils are blooming like crazy in Mom's yard right now, in spite of some of the freezing weather.

    Renny: Thanks a million, Renny. Soon it will be over!

    Manda: We definitely feel your prayers and support! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment here.


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