Finally (eindelijk), I have finished up all the Farm Day pictures (400 saved and put into albums)! Don't ever tell me that a Gemini never finishes anything. HA!
Anyway, in one of those in-the-middle-of-the-night flashes, I started seeing all the close-up faces of the chickens and said to myself that that would make a fun post. And a second later, I started seeing in my mind's eye all the close-ups of the kids. HA! Why not make a post juxtapositioning the two!
The following chickens are part of The Farm album ...the artsy pictures I took:
Anyway, in one of those in-the-middle-of-the-night flashes, I started seeing all the close-up faces of the chickens and said to myself that that would make a fun post. And a second later, I started seeing in my mind's eye all the close-ups of the kids. HA! Why not make a post juxtapositioning the two!
The following chickens are part of The Farm album ...the artsy pictures I took:

The biggest of the 3 albums is The Tribe album, full of the family, old and young alike. Here are a few faces of the younguns, who always steal my heart. They're all growing up way too fast!

And of course, the favorite of them all, grandson Nicholas (now 8), who can almost do no worng, you know! I've already shown you the Nicholas album. This was his very first Farm Day and will never be forgotten.

So, there you have it. Just some of the faces of Farm Day 2008!
Switching gears! Donica and I flew home from Amsterdam on Wednesday so that Donica could probate her mom's will, finally. Yesterday we met with a realtor and potential buyer for Mom's house south of Atlanta. Our hopes are high and our prayers are fervent that we can get this monkey off our backs. It would be"just like God" if the will was probated and the house contract written and a buyer committed in the space of 2 days! Who ever would believe that in a hundred years! We'd love your prayers for this kind of "miracle."
Donica flies back to Amsterdam this afternoon for a short week, coming back next Thursday. And I will continue weeding the yard!!
Donica flies back to Amsterdam this afternoon for a short week, coming back next Thursday. And I will continue weeding the yard!!