Tuesday, September 23, 2008

He Who Would Be King!

Sometimes I have the good fortune of babysitting Nicholas when an important event is also taking place in his life, as happened last week. But this time, TWO events happened in the same day and I was in my glory.

This is the third year that I have specifically gone to school to watch Nicholas at his Bosterthon Fun Run. It's a fundraiser for the school each fall that realy brings in the dough. I'm so proud of how they do it. Each year I'm impressed.

The first year in first grade, Nicholas ran 22 laps out of the potential 40 they allowed.
In second grade, last year, he was a man on a mission and made his 40 laps.
This year, third grade, they only allowed 35 laps, which he finished 5 minutes ahead of time.

I just happened to catch this victory-lap image with Nicholas' hand on the shoulder of his best friend (named Nick) from two years ago. How fitting, I thought. They're not even in the same classroom any more but still remain best of friends.

That was in the late morning. A day's work done and over with! But after supper, he had yet another event that was brand new for him as he takes swimming lessons at the YMCA this fall.

Amy and Dennis both want him to be able to "save himself" since he's around water when he's in LA and at our family cottage...as well as at G'pa's house in Sarasota, FL.

Talk about a fish who loves the water!

Even though I had to take the photos through a glass window while watching him, I was so proud of him. He was definitely in his element. And the nice thing is that it is a class of only 4 kids. Lots of one on one!

Donica is in Budapest as we speak and will be back in Amsterdam tomorrow before she comes home on Saturday. On Sunday we'll all celebrate Amy's 30-something birthday. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Double Tenth

The Double Tenth (October 10) is to Taiwan what July 4th is to America. SO LET'S CELEBRATE! (Don't worry, I'm not crazy. I know it's not October 10 yet!)

This little fella sat in Mom's front yard!

Remember when I told you a couple posts ago that we thought we had a buyer for Mom's house (from after her death on February 25th!)? That buyer, a friend of the family, IS buying the house and the closing will be on The Double Tenth!

Donica will fly home from Europe for the closing, after which we'll all want to Go Fishing Resting!!!

Thank you one and all for your good wishes for this to come to pass. Continue to pray with us that there will be no glitches in getting the transaction completed! YAAAAAAY!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Australia: All 10 Albums!

THIS POST IS FOR DONICA AND ME! I have been working on these albums off and on since May, between all our other trips and activities, and I'm finally fulfilling my promise to FINISH them now and not let them fade into some distant past!

So, here they are for our own posterity and remembrance, all in one place:

1. Australia: SYDNEY

It's a city full of parks, fountains (this is the Archibald Fountain), churches/cathedrals, landmarks and history.


This is probably one of the world's most recognizable landmarks!
I took pictures of it from every which way!


I'm guessing this landmark comes in second to the Opera House in the city.

4. Australia: SYDNEY HARBOUR

Apart from the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, there's enough else to keep you busy for many days and harbour cruises! We took two harbour cruises and could have taken more!


OK, so this isn't a big album but I didn't know where else to put it!


Nephew David took us to the Blue Mountains 50 km west of Sydney for a day of ooohing and aaahing.

7. Australia: THE GOLD COAST

After a week in Sydney, we drove a rental car along the Gold Coast north to Brisbane, spending a night in Coffs Harbour along the way: 982 km/610 miles.

8. Australia: BRISBANE

Talk about another incredible city! And we even met up with 2 of my blogger friends!


After a long weekend in Brisbane, we flew to Townsville, in Queensland, and took the ferry over to Magnetic Island for a week of unbelievable R&R.

While on Magnetic Island, we were rewarded with myriad treats for the eyes. They say the island is one of Australia's best-kept secrets. It's true!

So now I can breath a sigh of relief (the photos are finally organized and published). AND I can move on to Brussels and a concert on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. Miles to go before I sleep.

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

  Our exact 15th anniversary date was February 5, 2025, but the actual get-away was February 24-28, Monday to Friday, last week.  A mini-vac...