Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Last Single Digit

Last Friday we celebrated grandson Nicholas' 9th birthday! First he wanted to celebrate it at the Aquatic Center...then at Monkey Joe's (indoor inflatable playground)...but when the two friends he wanted to invite couldn't come, Amy suggested the bowling alley. And that's where we went! Amy, Dennis, Noelle and Brooke (Dennis' 2 girls who are here for 6 weeks this summer from LA), Uncle Mark and G'ma (moi!).

You can imagine how proud I was when Nicholas told me he wanted me to be on HIS team! OMG! How to make friends and influence people. He's no dummie. So on adjoining alleys, we were 2 teams: Nicholas, Noelle, Amy and G'ma against Brooke, Dennis and Mark.

Noelle (15) and Brooke (11) are buddy-buddy and held their own, often with each other on the same spite of playing on opposite teams across the ball return.

Amy and Dennis often bowled side by side, which was also fun to watch, especially when they snuck in their sweet, tender kisses.

And Mark showed us how to do it, wiping off the oil with my towel from all those years ago when I was on a bowling team and was a serious player!

In between our 2nd and 3rd games, we celebrated with the birthday cake:

And then when we were done, the BB (Big Boy) opened his presents.

I told Amy I can't remember when I had so much fun as a family. We all were in our zone and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was a total blast.

And just year and going forward, Nicholas will be in double-digit numbers! He is no longer the BLB (Big Little Boy). He is growing up before our very eyes!

Oh, and here's the complete Birthday Album. Just what the doctor ordered while I still wait and wait....with NO ONE coming by to look at the house this past weekend! Not even that man from Iowa with his wife. What a bummer.


  1. You are all in marvelous form, I see. What a good event for the big day. He is changing so fast. I'm thrilled he will be at the wedding, because I couldn't bear to wait another year to see him. So soon we will see you in the flesh!!

  2. It was a great time for sure, Mom! Thanks, as always, for capturing these wonderful moments!

  3. Oh Ginnie, he's growing so fast!!! What a great time together, and what an honor to be asked to play in "his" team. I'm not surprised though. I'd want you on my team, too! ;-)

    We've been incredibly busy these past few months. And we're leaving for Canada in less than 2 weeks (vacation only) :-( But, I'll be writing soon, I promise.


  4. I do understand how you feel and I'm sure you where a good team mate :-)

    Yea, times go by so fast and I am soon catching up with you; I'm going too be grandfather in some months :-)

  5. I think it was yesterday when he turned 6!!~! Holy cow does time fly by... 9 years old... WOW!!!

    What a fun time that was. Loved the pics and the report.... fingers crossed that you get more company coming to that house!

  6. 9 yrs old already? When did that happen? Happy Belated Birthday, Nicholas!

    And yes, as CS said, who would NOT want you on his or her team, Ginnie? :-)

    (Sending you lots of house-selling vibes. It will be SOON!)

  7. Ruth: It will be soon, indeed, and it will be such a memorable day. I do hope we all can pay attention in the moment and really make it last!

    Amy: You know it is always my pleasure! :) I feel so lucky.

    CS: You sure know how to make my day! Nicholas knows I love to bowl...and he won't forget that I ended up with the highest average (mine was 156 and Mark's was 146). :D At least I'm good for something.

    I can just imagine how excited you are about your trip to Canada. Good for you!

    Renny: You will LOVE being a g'father and will be so good at it! Seriously!

    ET: It WAS yesterday, Jen. He has just grown up before our very eyes! Thanks for your good vibes about the house! Someone did in fact come by yesterday afternoon AFTER I finished this post.

    Christina: I know, I know. It happens so quickly. Wait till it's YOUR turn. You'll wish it had happened first. :) And thanks for making my day, along with CS. I love that I've met both of you!! I told her that I had the high average of 156 and Mark was next with 146. So it's fun making Nicholas proud. Also, someone came by to see the house yesterday afternoon, after I had finished this post. So at least there's still action! Thanks for your vibes!!

  8. Het mooiste is dat jij al in mijn team zit, wij zijn samen het Dreamteam....
    Wat dat betreft is Nicholas heel erg slim, 'mijn Grandma kan alles en doet alles...humphfffff'.
    Dit zijn weer een heleboel mooie herinneringen die je altijd bij je zal dragen.
    Het zit hem niet in de dingen die we hebben, maar in de dingen die we met dierbaren doen.
    De volgende verjaardag ben ik erbij.
    Dank je wel voor deze mooie foto's.

  9. glad to read here that you've had a bit of interest in the house since you posted this...

    It really looks like you all had so much fun. I haven't been bowling in years, but i have my own ball! When we 1st moved to the bay area, we joined a league w/ Jimmy's work. I sucked, bowled less than 100 most of the times, but it was fun and for christmas I got my own ball and shoes. funny cuz we haven't been on a league since.

  10. Astrid: One day I'll be able to answer you ALL in Dutch. Beetje bij beetje! Ontzettend bedankt voor jouw mooiste woorden. IHVJ MAWIIMH!

    Mad: I LOVE to bowl and can even see myself getting on a team again before I kick the bucket! :)

  11. That looks like great fun. I'm a particularly bad bowler, but I have been know to bowl a strike or two and surprise everyone. I think bowling alleys are the perfect place for a birthday party.... in fact, that's where I want my party for my next B'day!
    Happy Birthday to Nicholas, he's growing up to be a handsome young man.

  12. I love seeing all the pictures from the birthday celebration! I think Emma had a bowling party around the same age too. Looks like a lot of family fun!

  13. There were more people at the birthday party than in our entire extended family, unless you start counting a few second cousins and their kids! Unfortunately, we haven't seen them in years, and don't even know where they are.

    Enjoy and celebrate ~ family is a blessing, for sure!

  14. Sham: What a great idea for your own birthday party! You'll love it. And yes, that Nicholas IS growing up to be a handsome young man. Soon you'll be saying that of your two precious boys, if not already!

    Katy: It was definitely a blast! :)

    SA: If you think this was big, you should have seen Ruth's and my family growing up, Linda! OMG! Because there were 8 of us kids, we always said we could make our own team of just about anything. You can imagine what the extended family looks like. :D

  15. Awwww Ginnie - Great post! Heck - anyone that has their own bowing ball with THEIR name on it - I'd want them on my team too. Not only good looks but a great brain too that boy has. Love seeing the pictures of everyone together. A wonderful family we have! I am a proud g-ma too!
    Keeping good thoughts for the house and a sale in the near future.

  16. Looks like a great time for all of you! Can't wait to see you at the wedding...pretty soon!

  17. Judy: HA! Too bad you and Dave couldn't have been with us! What a blast that would have been. We'd show them all what to do. :D Thanks for all your good energy. We need it right now.

    Mrs. M: It was pure fun, Shari. And yes, it'll be very soon when we see everyone again.

  18. Such fun! :) That cake is so cool, Ginnie!!! and hopefully the buyers will flock soon....keep the spirits high!!!!

  19. Moi: There have been 3 showings of the house since last week, and that's pretty good. I have my fingers crossed!

  20. I love the bowling pictures (I bowl!) and what a great birthday party. I am not up to date but hope the house is sold or will be selling soon!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...