Wednesday, December 23, 2009

O Dennenboom Reprise

Hopefully you'll get as much of a kick outta this as I did today!

Yesterday I was out-n-about buying pillows for the couch. I only needed two but when I found €9.95 pillows on sale for €1 each, it was a no-brainer to buy 4, which I did.

In the process, I saw that one of the stores was selling their floor-model fake Christmas trees. One €44.99 ($64) model was on sale for €10. Mental note to myself: mention this to Astrid just for the halibut.

When I did mention it to Astrid at suppertime last evening, she immediately asked if I had bought it and why not! To which I immediately responded that I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in hell that she'd even agree to it! She's like some of you...a REAL tree is what Christmas trees are all about.

Maybe it was a no-brainer to her, I don't the pillows. Our real tree (see last post) was €30 and weighed the dickens for her every time she had to lift it while I positioned the table or stand. Suddenly a real tree wasn't that important anymore...and we both started talking about the benefit of keeping it up as long as we wanted each year and storing it downstairs in our cubicle, etc., etc.

So, yes, this Christmas we have 2 Christmas trees! I took the same hand cart from the last post and walked it to the store 15 minutes away to see if the tree I wanted was still there. It was. Do I care what people thought who saw me walking it home behind me? HA! Let's just say I like saving money too much. With a bit of primping, this one will look as good as new next year!

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me...

While I'm at it, a treat was left at the back door to our apartment building after our snowstorm on Sunday. Since we all are 55 or older, I wonder if kids did this for us or if some of us are kids after all!

See the red bulb (eye) in the snow? Today it was back where it belonged.
How fun is that!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas.


  1. Oh, how lovely! And the snowman is priceless. (I wonder how long humans have been making snowmen, and who had the idea first to make one?)

  2. een brede glimlach van oor tot oor, lieve schat you did so right to buy the will last the rest of our lives and I don't have to do all the heavy lifting anymore.
    That snowman was still there when I came home....I hope it stays a little cold for this is the same as flowers, they are just wondeful in full bloom...
    a half melted snowman/snowwoman...BTW, this one is a man.....looks so sad.
    Great post and I love that you are always waiting for me with the most exciting stories!!!

  3. Karen: As long as humans have been creative, I'm guessing that's been as long back as the first snow! :)

    Astrid: So, because there are no boobs, you know this is a man. I love it. HA! This was a fun day...buying that kerstboom! We will have so much fun with it next year, especially once I have my Christmas goodie box!

  4. Oh my dear Ginnie,
    hehe, you can write it, as is better than the most.

    And you have more snow in Holland than we do have here in the Oslo Area. Hehe.
    But less than in Michigan.
    Atlanta - well I'm not sure.
    But forget it.
    We live in Europe.
    And the Dutch - Norwegian connections has allways been very strong since centuries. Seafarers and fish trading.
    Besides the Dikes in Holland was build originally with sand and Oak from Norway.
    Did you know that?

    Have a great X-Mas


    How far do you live, by car, from Essen/Düsseldorf and Huizen in Holland?
    Family in Germany and very good friends in Holland.

    PS. We will stay at home, due to all the Cats. We have 2, but now there will be 5-7 until about March.

    PS. I would like to see you in Oslo August. Then we can also visit the All Year Christmas House and Santa's own Postal Office.
    I think yoy have some youngsters that would love to have a Card with the genuine Santa Stamp;))

  5. Oh what a big snowman! And how cool about that tree.

    We have snow today, but we expect a rain/ice storm overnight, so maybe on Christmas Day we will have ice, no snow. :(

  6. I have to admit that I haven't put up any decorations this year. Does this make me a Scrooge?
    I was so busy with organising and performing in our Christmas Show, then shopping, and cooking, and visiting, I just didn't feel inspired. And we had out family Christmas at YoungerSon's house last Monday. And nobody is coming here for any Christmas celebrations.... so... well... OK I'm a Scrooge!
    Wishing you a happy Christmas and may 2010 be good to you and Astrid in your new life and new home.

  7. Yea I got a kick - although I also am a real tree fan :lol:

    How great to know you have a snow man too (like you've seen we have in our neighbourhood too) and isn't it great to be childish enough to enjoy!

    Btw: Thanks for your visit and Xmas greetings! Sorry I'm late getting back to you, but for sure its great joy to sharing greetings with you!

    Hope you and Astrid had a great Yuletide!

  8. Lucky you who has a snowman, my children have now outgrown that. I have been arguing for a reusable christmas tree this year as each year Renny questions our need for a tree. But so far it is still a real one. s

  9. Tor: All our snow is now gone, after several warmer days and even rain. I hope it's not turning to ice today! They had lots of snow at our Michigan cottage this year. How fun for the kids of all ages! And yes, I'm sure a lot of Norway is mixed in with Holland. I like that. :) Astrid says we are not far from Huizen, where her dad used to work. We're still not sure about the August timing for depends on when we go back to the States. But one day we will visit you there, I know!

    Ruth: I wonder if you have lost all your snow, as we have? It rained through the night last night and I'm afraid there will be icy conditions today. Doe voorzichtig (be careful).

    Sham: With all that you do outside your home, I can't picture you being a Scrooge! You definitely were in the Christmas spirit where you needed to be.

    Renny: Thanks for your Yuletide greetings and for knowing me so well. Maybe Diane will convince you one year to go artificial?! :)

    Diane: The snow and snowman are now all gone, after several days of warmer temps. But at least we had snow for a White Christmas! And don't give up on Renny. One year he'll just say "Go for it!" :)

  10. I love the snowman. When we had our miracle Christmas snow here on Galveston Bay in 2004, there were snowmen everywhere - even one holding a surfboard on the beach in Galveston! It was so amazing - snow in Galveston, Corpus, Brownsville... everyone was a child that year.

    I love my artificial tree. It looks like a real Texas cedar, and helps me remember the hill country when I can't be there. Think lombardy poplar with twin trunks. Everyone thinks it's the weirdest tree ever, but I love it ;-)

    Do the children there still put out wooden shoes for gifts? One Christmas I got Drost chocolate wooden shoes in REAL wooden shoes - I wore those shoes in the Pella, Iowa tulip time parade until I outgrew them.

    You can tell it's late here and I'm caught up with chores - I'm rambling. Off to the next post!

  11. SA: Astrid says most of the people here in Holland do NOT have wooden shoes...only the farmers. And THEY put out wooden shoes with carrots and hay for the horse of Sinterklaas. :) The kids DO put out their own normal shoes on the 5th of Dec., Sinterklaas day, for candy or small gifts. How fun.

    I hope this week to come finds you settling back in to the strength and hope of a new year.

  12. I feel like I have missed alot having been so busy this fall! I am so glad you are happy and where you want to be. I appreciate your visits and it was nice to "catch up" with you. Happy New Year to you and to Astrid as well.!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...