Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vision and Verb

You've seen her before, many times, I know. I used to call her my Soul Girl, but after sister Ruth called her my avatar, I've quite liked the new designation, especially in light of the current movie.

Today I want to direct you to a new website that was started 2 weeks ago as a collaboration of 15 "women of a certain age" who happen to be photographers and writers. (Add "aspiring" to either category for some of us!) I happen to be one of the lucky ones who was asked to contribute.

Today is my debut at Vision and Verb. I'll let it speak to why my avatar is important to me. But then, I'm guessing you are the ones who already know!

Thanks for being my fan club. THIS is where I first started blogging 5 years ago, In Soul, to write the things that are important to me. Then I added Shutterchance, where I could highlight my photos. Now this new site...where I can put both things together twice a month. I hope you can feel and share my excitement. The timing, as I start a new life in a new country, does not seem coincidental!



  1. Ginnie, I was entranced by your Soul Girl the first time I saw her, which was only a few weeks ago. She fascinates me, not only for who she represents, but because of the skill behind the drawing. I would love to know how you created her - is she pen and ink or did you use some other technique that I, as a complete non-artist, could understand?
    She is totally herself, free, spirited, happily off in search of adventure, with nothing but good things ahead of her. Oh! That's you, isn't it?

  2. Ohhhh, thank you Deborah. I should have mentioned it here in this post but on the V&V post I do mention that this was done c. 1962 when felt-tipped pens first came on the scene. I was probably 16 years old. We budding artists all died and went to heaven when those pens came out. I do recall that I saw something similar to this image in a book somewhere, so the idea wasn't entirely original, to be honest. But it clearly resonated with me...and has remained my avatar (as sister Ruth has called her for me) ever since.

  3. Ginnie I just clicked on your link to Vision and Verb and have been reading the bios of all the members. This looks like a super blog – so many talented individuals/artists. You surely fit well within this group of creative people and it will be a joy to go back and look at the beautiful images while being - being – well the verb that comes to my mind is French, “bercer” that does not happen often that I cannot think in English, so I have to look at the dictionary (I could not be in your group…) it says Bercer is Rock. It does not sound melodic. …look at the beautiful images while being “rocked“by the verbs? Well maybe. I meant the soft and lovely words that babies hear in a lullaby. Anyway, in short, this new blog looks great. The word verification is "ropless" exactly - get rid of ropes of all kinds and be free, be you.

  4. I'm excited you have so much to tell and write about. I've been in a big slump and really want to literally just move on in life...

    The post was so amazing and exciting and somehow I share this same type of feeling and bond with you.. :-)

    Less than a week, wow!!!!

  5. I think this is a great way to combine both, and you certainly have the talent to be in that group! Congratulations and here's looking forward to following you on a new path :)

  6. I'm sure it's not a coincident and I love and can feel as well as understand the excitement of course. I have been following you for most 5 years you know :-)

    Btw: Hope Astrid's arm is better!

  7. 31st of August 2007 I met you at Shutterchance, than I found out about you in 'In Soul', I read all of it.
    November 30 2007, we me the first time, February 5 we are getting married, no need to tell that we went through a lot, we both came from far.
    I am so proud of you that you got the invitation to join Vision and Verb, your way with words always amazes me, the pictures you take are fabulous, those two combined is YOU.
    I see and feel your excitement, I am so happy for you, ik ben trots op jou.
    Please enjoy every minute of it and I know you will.
    grin.....I am your biggest fan... ;)

  8. Vagabonde: You remind me of Astrid when she tries to find the right word in English. Some words just aren't translatable, I think. But the thought of words rocking a baby is just beautiful. I love that thought. And I love the word verification that oftens is so appropriate, as for you in this case. It's all very touching to me!

    ET: As a Gemini, Jen, you know I will never be at a loss for words. HA! Thank you for your encouragement and vote of confidence!

    CS: You are a sweetheart to say so, Sandra. Thank you for YOUR vote of confidence...and for following my path all these years!

    Renny: You have been with me for a long time and I cherish every minute you've been with me. Thank you. And YES, Astrid's arm is much better, but she's still on pain meds and not totally out of the woods. She has to keep pampering herself. So do I. :)

    Astrid: When I think of our story, I stop dead in my tracks and pay attention to it...because it really is awe-some. You really are my biggest fan, and that means more than you'll ever know...meer dan je weet! Ontzettend bedankt.

  9. All this support for your expansion validates how much we need you to write as well as share your photographic vision. I'm so tickled for your part in V & V!

  10. Hi. Thank you for popping by my blog and saying hi and also for the lovely comment on my leaf imagex good luck with your new enterprise but your new home. I will continue to follow you as l love your workxlynda

  11. Ruth: Thank you, sister, for your vote of confidence. There is definitely a side of me that wants to spend more time with writing and connecting dots. Twice a month seems like a good, doable goal. :)

    Lynda: You're a sweetheart and I thank you kindly!

  12. Ginnie ~ I've been prowling around V&V and truly enjoying it. The more I look at your avatar the more I like it. I finally figured out it reminds me of - Pippy Longstockings! I can't even remember her story, only her image, but now I need to go back and refresh my memory.

    You have so much happening, so quickly. And yet, you've been preparing for some time. Maybe a lifetime. In any event, you project a sense of being truly ready - congratulations!

  13. SA: HA! Pippi Longstocking. Oh my. When was the last time I thought about her! I just did a Google search and found out on Wiki that the author of her is named Astid. Awwww. How appropriate. :) Thanks for the nice smile today, Linda!

    Tomorrow is our big day and YES, we are both so ready. We really HAVE been ready for such a long time. Now we're pinching ourselves!

  14. LOVE the Soul Girl story at V&V and looking forward to many more.

  15. I must look into Vision and Verb but not today (have bookmarked it) because I have several blogs to visit yet to warn of the spammer who has been hitting numerous blogs sites of late. (commented in your next post so won't repeat here)

  16. Christina: Thank you, dear friend. It's been a special "project" for me. :)

    Victoria: He spammed me again today, so thanks for the warning!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...