Monday, December 19, 2011

The Wonder Week

From wonder into wonder existence opens. (La0 Tzu)

My intention today was to post about the Christmas market in Düsseldorf, Germany (where we saw this little boy), but I've decided to leave that for our "2nd Christmas Day" a week from now.

Today needs simplicity. It needs wonder. May you have it in abundance all week long. And for those of you who celebrate it....

(from Web Images)


  1. Merry Christmas to you and Astrid. I am go glad I "met" you and Astrid.


  2. PC: Thank you, dear Maria. I have a feeling we'll "really" meet one day. :)

  3. Ooh the anticipation up until the wait.. I can't wait to see what it's all about. :) Oh I've got lots to do before then!

  4. ET: Anticipation is also about wonder, Jen, don't you think? Cammie's first Christmas! I know you'll take lots of pictures. :)

  5. Thank you for this piece of peace, my dear. Happy Solstice to you and Astrid.

  6. Ruth: Thank you and thank you, dear Sister.

  7. Merry Christmas Ginnie! Sending you and Astrid peaceful and joyful wishes now and throughout the next year.

  8. Tim: Thank you!

    Mad: Thanks a million, dear lady. To you and Jimmy as well!

  9. What a beautiful wonderful and simple post.
    Sometimes less is more.
    Great picture of the little boy. Love the selctive colouring.
    Merry Christmas!!
    (looking forward to the Düsseldorf post, we had a wonderful time there)

  10. Astrid: Less really IS more, especially at this time of the year. :) Hartstikke bedankt, MLMA.

  11. A very happy and cozy Christmas to you and Astrid, Ginnie. Are you going to be staying close to home for the holidays? I have an ulterior motive for asking...

  12. Simplicity and wonder - true gifts of the season.

    I saw your comments at shutterchance about enjoying angels. Here's one of the loveliest Christmas songs I know - a Serbian carol called "Angels Sing".

    Merry Christmas to you and Astrid!

  13. Deborah: Thank you, dear Lady, and YES, we'll be close to home all weekend. Pray tell!

    SA: Simplicity and wonder. Yes. Maybe we never lose either!

    The Serbian song has totally filled me up this morning. THANK YOU for it. Even without knowing most of the words, you know what it's about!

  14. Merry Christmas to the both of you.
    We really hope to meet you again

  15. Tor: Thank you, kind sir! It would be wonderful if we can meet again. I wonder when and where. :)

  16. LOVE the little boy with his blue glasses... great use of selective color! I'm so happy I'm online at 30,000 (or more) feet so I can catch up with your blog!

  17. Victoria: You are a wonder yourself, Woman! Thank you! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...