Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

On this very last day of 2012...let's say Good-Bye to this past year and Hello to 2013.

Lucky for us, we had a dusting of snow 3 weekends ago while we were out in the polder, driving to our favorite pannenkoeken restaurant.  All the images today are from that trip (no snow since!):

All the guys were out fishing or just being lazy.
That's what the sun does to you on a brisk, cold day!

The canal at the restaurant by the parking lot had a thin layer of ice.

I am a huge fan of the Dutch pollared willows.
And that day was perfect for snowflakes in the restaurant windows!

The drive home after we ate was bright and sunny.  Soulful and therapeutic.
Did I mention I love the Dutch polder!  So do the ducks and swans.

As the sun sets on 2012 and now rises on 2013,
may we all feel the warmth and wisdom of the Universe.
Happy New Year!


  1. hi ginnie
    love your beautiful shots of our dutch landscape
    greetings and best wishes from another polder and photography aficionado....

    1. WOW. Thanks a million for stopping by and commenting here, Helga. Now you have me wondering where you live here in the Netherlands??? We live in Gorichem. It's a small world after all. Happy New Year.

  2. Ginnie, the combination of snow and sun is very refreshing and the set of the last photos has very special atmosphere. I also saw pollard willows here, especially their combination with water looks magic.

    I like your wish and hope that the warmth will be strong enough to make us comfortable and the wisdom so comprehensibly put we will understand it. :) Happy New Year!

    1. Oh yes, Petra. May we all be comfortable in our own skin and move forward into the new year with grace and ease! Happy New Year.

  3. We sure had the golden light that afternoon and great pancakes.
    I love that trip to the Pannenkoekenhuis. wonderful pictures and I wonder if the fishermen caught something.
    A swan and sheep in the snow, more Dutch we cannot get.
    Happy New Year, Gelukkig Nieuwjaar, MLS.......

    1. Se why I love it here with you!!!!! :) Happy New Year, MLMA.

  4. It's as if I'm right in the car with you gals! So fabulous to see it in the winter season! Love to you both and happy new year! I can't tell you how happy I am that are paths have crossed! xoxo

    1. You're one of the best things that happened to us this year, Robin, and that's the God-honest truth! We can hardly wait till you come back! Happy New Year.

  5. Happy New Year, my Friend and wishes for a magical, truly delightful 2013 for you and Astrid! Love and hugs to you both!

    1. Thank you, dear Linda! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY today on this first day of the new year. Here's to 2013 and all the magic we can find!

  6. My sister and I talking about a European trip in 2013, very preliminary. I am so impressed with how you have built a blogger world around you. It's just really interesting and it works.
    Best of everything in 2013. Everyone seems to be excited for this year to turn over.

    1. If you and your sister make it to Europe/Netherlands this year, PLEASE let us know when and where. It would be wonderful to meet you in real life, if it's possible. There's so much ahead on our own plate to make us very excited about 2013. Happy New Yeart!

    2. Deal! My middle boy plays trumpet. His girlfriend plays clarinet. In the basketball videos baby Cal has the darker, reddish, curlier hair. Friend Nick on the assist.

    3. Ahhhh. OK, then. It's nice to be sure who's who. :) Thanks.

  7. Wishing you and yours the very best of the season and a terrific 2013. I'm back, slowly at first and I've missed you :-)

    1. Ohhhhh, Geoff. THANK YOU for showing up again. I read your last post and want you to know my heart is with you. We have a lot in common! I'm really anticipating a great year ahead...especially with you back in it!

  8. Beauty everywhere I look! What a way to start the new year. May you and Astrid find much, much beauty together in the year ahead. Love and hugs to you both!

    1. Thank you, dear sister. I would love to share all this beauty with you one day! Till, then, Astrid and I will keep sharing it and showing it to you. Happy New Year!

  9. Ah snow... And pancakes... Yummy for me... wishing for more sleep!

    1. Snow, pancakes and...more sleep. I wish it all for you, Jen. Happy New Year.

  10. Happy New Year, Ginnie. My your fingers keep snapping.

    1. Thank you, dear Mary, and the same to you! Happy New ear.

  11. Such beauty you show us – some of your photos with the bare trees remind me of paintings I like. I hope 2013 will bring you some fulfilling moments and many laughs – stay away from people with colds or negativity avoid germs and les mesquineries de la vie (Translation help – the pettiness of life) as there is too much to enjoy!

    1. Great advice from you, Vagabonde! In fact, I'm dealing with negativity and the pettiness of life as we speak and need to get un-stuck from it. It's one of my first goals of this new year. Thank you for your friendship!

  12. I love these shots Ginnie - my favorite time of the year captured by one of my favorite photographers! How lucky am I to have two of my favs in the same family - you AND Astrid?!?! Love you both - Happy New Year!

    1. You sure know how to butter us both up, dear Linda. HA! Thank you for your abiding friendship which continues to inspire and fulfill us week after week. Happy New Year!

  13. Ah how lovely can I borrow a few days out of your life Ginnie!! Your images really capture everything I love about winter, especially the light of course. Happy New Year to you and Astrid:~))

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by here, dear Catherine. One day we'll have to swap places...or better yet, share them with each other. We would love for you to see the Netherlands through our eyes! Happy New Year.

  14. Happy New Year Ginnie and Astrid. Cheers to what awaits us in 2013.

    1. Thank you, dear Maria. We're actually very excited about what this new year has in store for us all!

  15. These are some wonderful photos, Ginnie. Beautiful landscape - I envy you for the snow, I wish there was just a little bit here.

    1. Thank you, dear Carola. I love it here where we live, especially out in the polder just outside our city. This snow was from one day in early December and is long gone. I do hope it comes back before the season is over. I LOVE the snow and really miss not having it, so I can imagine how you must feel as well, having come from Germany!

  16. May twentythirteen be good to you both.... just another number but a new beginning!

    1. Thank you, Sham. Another number AND a new beginning. I like that. Happy New Year.

  17. Your photos are beautiful! The polder is very pretty and you've really captured the winter light

    1. Thank you kindly, Ryan, for stopping by and commenting here at my blog!

  18. The canals, splashes of color, the sunlight. What a gorgeous post for the New Year!

    1. You're a sweetheart, Margaret. Thank you. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)

    2. I absolutely LOVE that first collage... and the four images before the last 2013 stock image have marvelous color tones and are just as I picture winter in the Netherlands. :-)

    3. You always know how to make my day, Victoria. Thank you.


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