Monday, March 04, 2013

Just for the Halibut

My ex-boss always said that:  just for the halibut.  And now that I live here in the Netherlands, where halibut abounds, I still get a giggle whenever I can use it.

So, just for the halibut, how about no collages today and only single images I picked out from last week's post on our Mozart Requiem concert in Amsterdam on February 17.  Most of these have or will end up on my Shutterchance photoblog.  But for those of you who don't visit there, here they are, in the order in which they were taken:

The Magere Brug (bridge) spans the Amstel River in Amsterdam.

Different view of the same bridge and river.

I had fun with this reflection of the Rijksmuseum on a sunny day.  With a bit of manipulation and flipping the image, I tried to make it look like Rembrandt's famous Night Watch on display there.

You know by now that I love tweaking images, just for the halibut!
I don't want all my images to look like tourist snapshots.  HA!
(and yes, that's the Rijksmueum from the Museumplein side)

Whenever I can get away with it, I love to do selective coloring!
This red carpet on the Concertgebouw stairway seemed a perfect candidate for it.

Lucky for us, a gratis drink came with our ticket.  How could we say NO!

I always say "Always look up!"
So I did, while in my seat before the concert began.

As I said to Astrid, how could eveything be out of focus except her!
Yup!  Another candidate for selective coloring.

But THIS is the one that still tickles me to no end.
Don't you just love it when you are so pleased with yourself!
That's Jelle on the left looking at Olga on the right and giving his approval, I assume.

The maestro's hands.  He's no flash in the pan!
Pieter Jan Leusink is the director, signing CDs after the concert.

One last candidate for selective coloring as we passed through Vondel Park to Wagamama.
I don't care what anyone says, sometimes it's fun to play around...

...just for the halibut!


  1. I was envious of your Concertgebouw concert, I have heard recordings from there, but actually being there must have been amazing.

    Your selective colouring is very clever, particularly that last picture, you must have great patience to pick out several colours:-)

    1. I wish everyone who wanted to could go to a concert there, Anne. It was delightful in every way. I felt so...grown up. :)

      The selective coloring is just the eraser tool, of course, which after converting to B&W brings the color back. Easy-peasy if you have the right tools! But thanks.

  2. A great selection of fabulous pictures. The selective colourings are always my favorite. I don't know why. It adds to the picture.
    The blurred picture is something else, I think Olga waited just a second to make another move.....
    A fine collection.

    1. Not everyone likes selective coloring, as we both know from Shutterchance, but I happen to have so much fun with it. Thanks for being one of my fans. :) It was such a great day and memory, wasn't it! Hartstikke bedankt.

  3. just for the hallibut is funny!!!! i've never heard of that one before. you have a knack for those tweaking, your technique is flawless.

    1. I hope everyone knows the saying is a take-off on "just for the hell of it." HA! You're very sweet, Maria. Thank you.

  4. Wow! I can't wait 'till I have time to fiddle with my PhotoShop - I just muddle along. My favorite is your flipped reflection, though I was entranced with them all! Well done.

    1. I've never taken a class to learn my PS, Margaret, so you could say I just muddle along. It's probably good I don't know what all is at my fingertips. HA! But thank you anyway. Based on what I've seen of your artistry, I'm not sure you need to "fiffle" at all!


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