Monday, April 22, 2013

A Spring Break

Yesterday I posted Day 4 of our Viking River Cruise (Koblenz and the Middle Rhine), in case you missed it.  But today is my current post at Vision and Verb...

 ...on how Together We're Strong.
After all we've been through last week with the Boston bombings, it seemed appropriate.
This image is from Passau, Germany, which was Day 10 of our cruise.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Have you noticed how life just goes on.  No matter what!

Spring is springing.  The lambs are skipping around out in the polder.  And you'd think there was nothing at all wrong in our world today!

This was my first time to see so many black lambs.  They were everywhere.

 And all of them stuck together.  It must be instinct?
Together we're all strong[er]!


  1. Oh yes, together we are stronger! I just love those little ones. Just want to pick one up and hug it so! xo

    1. You'd love our polder at this time of the year, Robin. What is it about sheep and lambs??!! :)

  2. Love that word... polder. Such sweet captures. Now I'm off to V&V.

    1. Do you know, Margaret, that some of our friends at Shutterchance actually call Astrid "Lady Polder" or "Lady P" for short. I LOVE that. :) Thank you.

  3. yes, life goes on and the older you get, i noticed, the faster it goes too :)

  4. :) I knew the moment we hit the polder and we would see lambs, I had to make sure I could stop on the dot, which I did. It is fun to see you and lambs. You almost jump as high as they do.
    Great pictures of Spring.... I hope they don't forget Summer.

    1. LOL. HAHAHA! You've definitely got me pegged, MLMA! How can they not just make us grin from ear to ear! :D

  5. I liked your message at V&V. When we were at the Wild Animal Safari we saw many baby goats and other baby animals – so sweet, you want to cuddle them. The little black lambs are precious too – I have seen sentences like “he is the black sheep in the family..” and wonder why that is – since these little black lambs are so cute, where did that phrase come from?

    1. I have never seen so many black lambs in my life, Vagabonde. I'm sure that idiom comes from the fact that black sheep are one in a dozen or more...not that common. So the "black sheep" in the family would be that one person who sticks out like a sore thumb. HA! It's not always seen in a positive light, as I recall. :)

    2. Ginnie I am pleased to have heard that France passed a law today to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption. But I am upset to have read that the US based National Organization for Marriage (NOM) played a significant and financial role helping French anti-gay groups. Brian Brown, the president of NOM even gloated that he was in Paris organizing demonstrations against the proposed law. He also was behind a series of offensive editorial cartoons in French newspapers. By enticing hate he should have been refused entry into France. I am not surprised though as this organization has spent a lot of money overseas, especially in Africa, against gay rights. That is not to say that I am not upset by the numbers of bigoted French people – a lot of them are like the Tea Party here. I also heard that the Vatican used some of its resources to organize the protests in Paris. I am pleased that the lawmakers did not listen to those religious fanatics and made France the 14th country, the most populous country so far, to give equal rights to gays. When will the US follow suit?

    3. I was so excited to hear the news on FB yesterday, Vagabonde (the day I assume you wrote this comment). I didn't hear about the details, especially about NOM or Brian Brown. It reminds me of all the money (and hate) that was spent to elect someone other than President Obama this last election. LOVE WINS, not hate!

      I don't know when America will follow suit but it will, I'm certain of it. In fact, it appears to be on a speed course right now, which thrills me. I wondered if I'd ever see it in my lifetime, but I believe I will!

  6. Yes, spring always comes (even if it's late)!

    I was struck by all the black lambs when you posted photos at FB! Fascinating genetics, and so so sweet. :-)

  7. It makes you wonder what winter/spring will look like next year! In the meantime, will summer be late...?

    But yes, I, too, was really struck by all those black lambs. So cute. James would have been in heaven! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...