Monday, July 01, 2013

DOMA...and Shouting from the Rooftops

I have to say something here, of course, about what happened last Wednesday, June 26th, in America, with the striking down of the defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). 

First of all, a few weeks previously The Doma Project published my/our personal story.  What happens if Astrid and I want to retire in the United States?  NO CAN DO...prior to last Wednesday. 

That was then; this is now!

Simply by virtue of our legal Dutch marriage, I can now sponsor Astrid for a green card in America from this day forward.  Hallelujah.  One small step for [a] man; one giant leap for mankind.

  And, yes, that's why I'm shouting from the rooftops today.
(image from Passau, Germany) 

However, it's just a step...because even though we are now considered married in America, we are NOT recognized as married in 37 states, including Michigan and Georgia, where we would want to retire, 
if it comes to that.

And THAT's what my post is about at Vision and Verb today....


  1. It is a monumentally happy event! Love wins!

    1. I'm still pinching myself, Mad! I have a feeling all the dominoes will continue to fall!

  2. No worries any more over a green card to collect, if and when needed.... pfew, that takes off a lot of pressure.
    I am happy for the both of us (if I can say so)

    1. It's a HUGE first step for us! Now let's see if/when Michigan and Georgia will follow suit! IHVJ.

  3. It won't be long for the rest of the country to follow. Thanks for explaining this. I knew something good happened :)

    1. Oh, yes, Susan. Something very good, especially for binational couples like us! Thank you for rooting us on.


Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

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