Monday, December 16, 2013

Footloose and Fancy Free

At this time of the year????

Yes, at this time of the year!
That's what my post is about at Vision & Verb today....

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Speaking of Vision & Verb, we've had a Holiday Gallery up of greeting cards
whose profit  helps fund KIVA businesses around the world.
In our 1.5 years of giving back like this, we've been able to give 52 loans of $25 each,
21 of which have been paid back in full.

Talk about sustainable!  The money paid back goes into another loan.
WOWSER!  Please allow me to be darn-tootin' proud of our little "enterprise."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

These three images below are my gallery (5 x 7) greeting cards this year,
all taken last winter:

Did someone say snow???
Does anyone have some to spare???


  1. Those are lovely Ginnie...we have had 3 feet in 3 are welcome to 2 feet of it.

    1. Two feet of your snow would be pretty close to heaven for me, Donna. THANK YOU! I'll gladly take you up on it! :)

  2. Be careful with what you wish for ..grin.. Winter is just about to start and you know it is warming up, getting colder.... how about that :)...
    I am impressed with the results of the Kiva loans, amazing what a small amount can do and change lives for the better.
    I love your cards, a treat to see and a pleasure to send.

    1. I know you don't want snow for the crazy drivers out on the roads who don't know how to "handle" it properly. But you have your winter tires and I will trust the Universe to watch over you. Let's have our cake and eat it, too?! :) Hartstikke bedankt, MLMA.

  3. No snow here Ginnie – today it is 56, tomorrow 58 – I hope I can see some snow here or in Nashville this winter. Your last photo of the lambs is adorable – I would love to pet them – they look so sweet.

    1. I pay attention to Atlanta weather, Vagabonde, and some days you're actually colder than we are here...but not always. Today we were up to almost 50...unseasonably warm for this time of the year, Astrid says.

      The card with the sheep is what I used for our holiday card this, thanks. :)

  4. Your cards are really, really beautiful! The windmill is out of Rembrandt.

  5. Beautiful. I especially love the sheep! Aren't they the BEST?

    1. Thank you, Ruth. No matter how many times I see them...or how many there are!!!...I still find sheep (and windmills) so very soulful! Yes, they ARE the best. :)

  6. Really - I can't pick a favorite - But the top two might be.. but then the sheep are priceless.

    1. LOL, Margaret. The sheep were my pick for this year's holiday card. :)


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