Saturday, January 04, 2014

A Dutch New Year's Celebration

While this first week of 2014 is still with us, let's have some fun!

First of all, the Dutch are allowed to legally shoot their own personal fireworks between 10 a.m. and 2 a.m. on New Year's Eve.  Of course, that doesn't stop them from starting a few days earlier and going at least a day later.

And because these personal fireworks are shot by every Tom, Dick, Jane and Harry all around us (here in Gorinchem, NL), we don't even think twice about going to bed till after 2 a.m.

So, the best vantage point where we live is across the street at our parking garage, 3 floors up....

...and out of the light rain and gusty winds.
Look how the wind affects the fireworks!

It was my first time to check out the Fireworks setting on my new camera,
as well as my wired remote control, using the tripod.  This is still very new for me!

And look at how even our Grote Kerk 2 blocks away got in on the action!
She took it all in stride.  What a happy camper.

Of course, I had to try out the camera's video setting, first against the sky...

...and then with the Grote Kerk (Great Church) peeking in.
(The white steeple to the right of the Great Church is the Catholic Church on our street,
which has been turned into apartments.)

Astrid says the Dutch spent €69 million on personal fireworks this year.
Sadly, there was one death and 8 eyes lost, plus other injuries and arrests.
What a price to pay!

But there you have it...a grand Dutch entrance into the 2014 New Year.


  1. That is a fantastic camera! I can say that watching your fireworks on your video are the only fireworks I saw for New Year. My husband had a cold and fell asleep after taking some pills and so I went to bed to read … not an exciting New Year! But we celebrated the next day – so I am pleased to see your lovely fireworks. Have a great 2014 … and stay warm. I just saw on the weather site that it will be 23 F high and 5 F low on Monday! In Atlanta! But it will only last 2 days – in the north it will go many degrees below 0 – a cold start to the New Year.

    1. Well, then, Vagabonde. I'm so glad I could give you some New Year's cheer! I didn't really grow up with fireworks on New Year's Eve, so this is pretty exciting for me. HA!

      I'm afraid that is very cold for Atlanta right now. Dear me. We're still hovering around 40-45 F here in Dutchland--way too warm for this time of the year. Astrid is hopeful the winds will change come the full moon on the 16th. Me, too!

  2. Great to view some of the results from your new camera! xo

    1. Well, Robin...let's just say they're better than nothing. HA!

  3. Absolute fabulous shots (and videos) of the fireworks. I think you did great. Remember that this is custom bought fireworks. It wont go as high and spread out like the professional stuff they use in special events and the town will take care of that.
    The wind was part of the hindrance too. However the outcome your pictures is fabulous, great camera, it proofs its value and a fun thing to own.
    A great remembrance for sure, I think this was the first time that I was outside before midnight on the changing of a year. Happy New Year......

    1. To be honest, Astrid, I think I have a Fireworks setting on my DSLR camera, so maybe I should check it out next time to compare. In the meantime, I really can't complain. I keep learning new things about what this PowerShot can do...kinda like people with their iPhones these days!

      Here's to the next display...on King's Day at the end of April! :D But those will be professionally shot.

  4. Well, the last few shots seemed to experience wardrobe malfunction, but the rest showed up without problems. I don't think I've ever seen windy fireworks before.

    Happy new year. Our lobsters are consumed and we are all recovering. Next week back to my book and photography.

    1. Remember, Ted, that these are all NON-professional fireworks...the kind you and I could buy some places in America for July 4th. They're getting more and more powerful here and thus more dangerous. Many people believe it's time to outlaw them. Is it worth losing your eyes or hands??? (sigh)

      Anyway, I bet your lobsters were fabulous. Now go start shooting again!

  5. I have a fireworks setting on my camera too, but haven't had the chance to use it yet. There were fireworks in the park on N Y Eve, but it was so cold (-20C) so we didn't wait to see them. Instead we went to the Thai restaurant for take out food and went to YoungerSon's house to eat, put children to bed and watch a movie.
    Happy New Year, may it be happy, healthy and full of fascinating blogs.

    1. I've always had Fireworks settings on my cameras, Sham, but haven't used them, so I finally did it. No sense in recreating the wheel! Our temps were around 40F that night but with a dampness that went straight to the bone. My gloved hands were freezing by the time we left, so I can just imagine what it would have been like where you were!

      Happy New Year to us all. Let's see what the year has to offer and teach us, each and everyone!

  6. Great shots and what fun....of course those injuries are why here in NY fireworks are outlawed for personal use...we heard some though on New Year's at midnight...

    1. I know, Donna. We used to have fireworks at our family cottage in Michigan for years until we older parents had visions of injuries to our grandbabies. So for the last4-6 years we've had no personal fireworks at the cottage over July 4th. We enjoy what we see from others from across the lake. Astrid says they're already talking about banning personal fireworks here in the Netherlands because of the injuries. So, stay tuned!

  7. What a great spot y'all had to see some awesome fireworks! Thanks for sharing your very good photos! I think your new camera is a keeper, right?

    1. Thank you, dear Susan. Definitely a keeper...especially since it doesn't aggravate my sciatica!

  8. I've said it already, but Happy New Year again to you and Astrid! May this light, these explosions of joy represent all good things this year.

  9. Fireworks on New Years sounds fun to me (and safer that possibly hot and dry July!) But, yes, ER's see a lot of accidents - often because people are drinking I suppose. I don't usually get good results with fireworks because I need a tripod - good idea! You are making me want to get a smaller camera (I have resorted to using my iPhone more just for the ease of it …)

    1. By now I'm so used to fireworks for New Year's and not for July 4th (of course) that it would be hard for me to change gears if ever we move back to America, Margaret.

      BTW, I highly recommend this Canon PowerShot SX50 HS. It has RAW capability and is the closest thing to a DSLR I've seen...and with that incredible 24-1200mm range. Lots of luck making the decision....


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...