Sunday, February 23, 2014

Some Münster Churches: Part 1

This part of our recent weekend in Münsterland, Germany, will be in two parts because...well...because there really are two parts.  Today's part is about the churches we saw while only with Philine.  Part 2 will be of churches with friend Mechtild, whose father was the artist of stained-glass windows and mosaics in other churches around Münster.

So, there really is rhyme and reason with this!

Between Friday and Saturday, here are the churches we saw while with Philine:

First of all, there were several churches we saw only from the outside:
top row:  Die Clemenskirche (1745).
center row:  Die Martini Kirche (1180) and Die Ludgeri-Kirche (1173).
bottom row:  Die Überwasserkirche (1460).

The first church we entered was, appropriately, Philine's church, Die Apostelkirche.
It's Münster's main protestant church, built in the second half of the 13th century.
I love how open and light it is.

The Euthymia Center honors the St. Clemens nun who was beatified in 2001.
A St. Clemens sister was delighted to tell us more about Euthymia, who lived from 1914-1955.

 This quaint Servatii Kirche is from 1230, one of the oldest churches in Münster.
It has a very cozy feel to it and was probably my favorite.

The St. Johannes Kapelle near Philine's home is also very cozy, from the 14th century.
It holds aprroximately 100 church-goers and is often used for weddings.

Then, of course, there's the Dom, Münster's cathedral from 1225.
When we entered this time there was a chapel service in session, so we didn't stay long.

All of the above churches were within walking distance from Philine's apartment in city center.
Late Saturday afternoon, while driving out-n-about, we drove 15 miles to Freckenhorst,
to see the Collegiate Church of St. Boniface.

The Collegiate Church was first a monastery founded in 854.

The open square at the church entrance includes a mammouth tree and a St. Boniface statue.
And lots of wonderful architecture!

We arrived in enough time before a service to take pictures inside.

The elements for Holy Communion were already set out.

The baptismal font in a side alcove is considered to be the most important baptismal
of the 12th century in Germany.

We left because of the service but could have stayed to see so much more.

What a charming town of circa 8K residents!
We were not disappointed.

 Moseying right along....(to be continued).


  1. Philine asked us if we wanted to visit any museum in Münster. Our answer was, we like to visit churches, those are our museums. Amazing how different the churches are, in age, in style and in light. We saw many wonderful things. The 'Fachwerkhauser' (Tudor-style houses) are wonderful. Philine really showed us around and we found out that Philine knows a lot of people and is always eager to talk to somebody who knows all about the place we visit, like that very friendly Sister at the Euthymia Center.
    A wonderful post, an appetizer for more to come. Thank you for taking time to make these important memories.

    1. The thing is, we can't see everything, so it makes wonderful sense to visit the churches whenever possible and let them be our museums. We didn't grow up Roman Catholic, so seeing the catholic cathedrals in particular just takes our breath away. It's enough to last us a lifetime of museums! I love that we're both on the same page about this because we make such good partners in crime. :)

  2. Isn't it just amazing what the world has to offer us? Beautiful!

    1. YES YES YES YES. A thousand YESES, Robin. Thank you.

  3. I'm really enthousiast to see all the churches we visited- such a wonderful collection of beautiful photos with some concise information - many, many thanks for that! I agree with Astrid's words, and I have to add that Ginnie annd Astrid are very dear guest never getting tired to make new experiences and to visit so many churches. Münster is the city of a lot of spires and towers, indeed - with some Catholic flair.

    1. You were such an incredible "hostess with the mostest," dear Philine. Thank you for being willing to see church after church with us, even though I think you would have loved going into some museums. We do love the Catholic flair, even though we didn't grow up catholic. Well, maybe that's why?!

  4. what lovely churches. you ladies find the most charming and interesting spots.

    1. They're everywhere around us, Maria, no matter where we go, which is the beauty of Europe, of course. Thank you.

  5. Now that's what I was waiting for, the churches. Beautiful. I hope the organ was playing or the choir was singing. Can't you make that part of your blog as well?

    1. Now that you mention it, Ted, we almost NEVER hear someone practicing the organ or a choir singing while we're visiting (and not at a concert). If it happens one day, I will hopefully remember to record it with my camera!!!

  6. To Ted Roth: Perhaps the next time Ginnie and Astrid will visit me in Münster we can listen to an organ or to a concert - often in our churches concerts or choirs do take place. It is a pleasure to look at the beautiful (yes, really beautiful, Ginnie explained us the meaing of the adjective 'beautiful') ) photos again and again!

    1. What a great idea, Philine, to actually hear an organist or choir the next time we're there. I can picture that. Maybe one day there will even be someone rehearsing? :)

  7. Wonderful to see Munster through your eyes but when visiting Munster I thought we might try some cheese. (grin) So lovely, Ginnie. The montages are beautiful. I love seeing the world through your eyes.

    1. You're a real sweetheart to say these things, Mary. This is our world and I love to show it for both of us, as you know by now. It's a full-time job. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...