Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The 2014 Shutterchance Meet-Up in England

Yes, we're back from our 9 days of gadding around England, and do I ever have the images to show for it!  Guess what I'll be doing almost every waking hour for several days/weeks to come.  HA!

By little bits-n-bobs (a new English expression I love) I will get it all done, so let's start with the Shutterchance photoblog meet-up we attended on May 11 (yes, Mother's Day for just about everyone except the Brits) at the Royal Air Force Museum in Cosford, England.

This post today is just about the people.  There were 28 of us altogether:

Can you tell that most of us aren't spring chicks anymore?
I know...speak for myself!

Of the 28 who attended, 21 were actual Shutterchance photobloggers.
The rest were spouses or guests.

14 of the 21 were men (and still are, I presume)...

...and 7 of the 21 were women.

One of the guys came from Thailand as a HUGE surprise to everyone who wasn't in on the secret.
Another guy came from Ontario, Canada, along with his wife.
One of the ladies came from Arizona because she's in cahoots with one of the English gents.
Then there's Astrid and me, coming from the Netherlands...easy-peasy.

And to add a bit more intrigue, CherryPie and hubby joined us as token SCers for the 3rd time.
Cherry is one of the 21 Vision & Verb collaborators and has become one of us.

As I said, this post is just about the people.
Next post I'll show you what's at the RAF Museum (did anyone mention airplanes?).


  1. Oh Boots, I LOVE that you kept this simply about the people. The portraits are just wonderful. Wonderful. I wonder if anyone besides you and Astrid are/were (and I presume still are, hehe) spouses AND SC-ers?

    I LOVE the big photo of you and Astrid!

    I'm eager to hear the rest. But take your time. :)

    1. Oh, Ruthie...isn't this fun! Astrid and I were the first to meet on SC and get married. Elizabeth, from Arizona, is unofficially married to Frank, from England (meeting on SC as we did) and he will move back to America to live with her. It's a similar situation to ours, since he is already retired and she's not. We used to have a husband and wife team on SC but she has been "off" for several years now. Other than that, no...we're it. :)

      I have so much to share in images alone. It'll be a good "second blessing" to go through them all, like these for today! Thank you.

  2. Every time we have the reunion we are like little kids. Some of us go long back, some over 8 years. Amazing what buying a camera does, not only did we gain a lot of blogger-friends, we also meet in person and to top that off, we got married.....(and two others are about to get married)
    Wonderful collages, that show smiles and smiles. Blame it on the internet.

    1. Blame it ALL on the internet! What did they dio in the good ol' days? Wait for snail mail???? :D We are so very lucky. And thank God for Skype!

  3. It is so lovely that you have portraits of everyone who attended, such happy memories :-)

    Astrid captured a perfect moment in time of the two of us meeting up again ;-)

    I haven't got round to posting my Cosford photos yet, I am still in Mechelen... I have a favourite (plane history) post for my next but one V&V post.

    1. I really do love it that you and Mark come every time it's possible, Cherry. You really make me smile...mainly because I can never think of you without a smile on your face. Seriously. I'm looking forward to YOUR images of the meet-up.

  4. Really looks like a HAPPY bunch of smart people!

    1. Smarter the older we get, Margaret. HAHAHA! It's so much fun meeting virtual friends, isn't it!

  5. the class of shutterchance had another reunion. this is so much fun, i can tell. is this an annual affair now?

    1. I like how you put that, Maria. It looks like it's gonna be every other year now. It seems better, since the years fly by too quickly at this stage in life. HA!

  6. I looked at both posts last week but did not leave a comment. Last week was one of those weeks. These are wonderful portraits, Ginnie. You got some great shots and gave an impression of the flavour of the day. Great job, as always.

    1. Thank you, as always, dear Mary, for your vote of confidence. It means the world to me.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, Donna, we really did! I'm so glad it shows. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...