Friday, September 05, 2014

Vision and Verb: My Blurb Book Redux

So, guess what.  Instead of working this week on the castle images from Astrid's birthday weekend, I re-did my Blurb book of Vision and Verb posts...for free!

It's a back-n-forth story of several emails with the Support Desk, and in the end , they really wanted me to be happy...and I was.  Part of it was my fault in not computing how a text book is different from a photo book.  Part of it is that the editing tool was not a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) tool, and the support man graciously agreed.

So, with all of that, here's the new book or my 98 V&V posts, more the way I expected and with only some slight changes.  THIS is the book that replaces the other one (which we'll promtly forget all about).  Thank you for your indulgence:

Make sure you view it on full-screen to see it as intended.  I've also added it to my sidebar with my other two (Shutterfly) photo books.  [I do not intend for anyone to BUY this book...way too expensive!  But I'd love for you to be able to see it, if you wish.] I also purchased the PDF version, in case you want to download it. For those of you who have followed me during the last 4-1/2 years of my visions and verbs, THANK YOU.  It's been quite the journey!


  1. Replies
    1. You're more than welcome, of course, Donna. So sorry this went around Robin Hood's barn. Oh well. It happens.

  2. What a trooper you are. You amaze my. The determination to make it perfect.
    What a treasure to keep. All the different subjects. It will be fun to hold it in a few weeks......
    I am glad that they made it possible to re-do the book. I am so happy for you. IHVJ.

    1. You've been my biggest fan throughout it all, Astrid, for which I give my undying thanks. Hartstikke bedankt!

  3. Hi Ginnie Girl, yay!!! i'm so glad you're happy with the end result! your PDF link doesn't work, wanted to download it :)

    1. Thanks for your support, Elaine. I will try again with the PDF file and will let you know. I just assumed it worked and never checked it. (sigh)

  4. So happy you're now satisfied! Looks great and truly a treasure for you and family!!

    1. Thank you, Robin. If at first you don't succeed...yup. TRY AGAIN! :)

  5. Your V&V posts were always thought provoking and inspiring.

    I loved every minute of the V&V journey and I am still coming to terms with what the next step might be...

    1. You're very kind, Cherry. It was quite the journey for us all, wasn't it. I think many are feeling a sense of loss but we have much to keep from that experience. I'm so glad you were part of us and that I got to meet you more than once in real life! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...