Thursday, November 20, 2014

Holland's Warmest November 1st (2014)

Now that I've finished October's trip to America (!), it's time to come back to the Netherlands before it's already December.

It so happens we were antsy to go back to our favorite pannenkoeken restaurant in the Dutch polder, which we decided to do on Saturday, November 1.  It also so happens it ended up being Holland's warmest November 1st on record, since 1901.

It was November, however, and full of the changing colors.

And since we stopped for everything, here are some stills of the following videos:

The Jan van Arkel windmill (in nearby Arkel) was turning that day.
It's a smock mill from 1851.
You can't really get the full effect of the whirling sound here because of the traffic,
but it was hypnotic that day.

When we stopped to watch these cows, imagine our surprise when the farmer came on the scene.
They were grazing ever so peacefully and then...they started skipping like sheep to him (at the end).
This alone was enough to make my day (sorry about the jiggles).

Speaking of cows, here's one going off to Timbuktu.
VEEVERVOER = Livestock Transportation.
I hope he was just sold to another farmer and was off to greener pastures?

How can you not stop at this photo op by the side of the road!
If we didn't already have a pumpkin at home, I would have bought one.

And, yes, the weathervanes of the day!
The one top-center looks like a space ship.  Hmmm.
The one bottom-center looks like the talons of a big bird that flew away?

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Those of you who follow me on Facebook have already seen the following images, but for the rest of you,  there was a Black & White Challenge going around where we could be nominated to submit 5 B&W photos.  These are the ones I submitted:

#1:  "We do NOT have snow here yet but for all those of you who do, this windmill is only two blocks
from our back door here in Gorinchem, NL (from 2009)."

 #2:  "Many of you know I love architecture, but usually I mean the old European structures
that are from long before America became America. can you say NO to this modern structure from downtown Atlanta in 2012! It reminds me of a chorus-girl lineup."

 #3:  "This is a macro shot of some moss between two bricks on a ledge where we live,
taken a couple years ago when we had a dusting of snow. In macro mode it looked like a blizzard!"

 #4:  "This is for all of you experiencing winter way too early this year! This is from where
we live in Gorinchem, NL, from a couple winters ago. More Dutch you cannot get!"

 #5:  "Probably my most favorite place on earth, Kinderdijk, NL, is a village where 19 windmills
from 1740 drain the polder. It's the largest concentration of old windmills in the Netherlands
and is only 20 miles from our home. This was taken on Christmas day, 2010!"

And because you may remember Astrid and I first met each other via our photography (!!!),
I nominated her to post her own 5 B&W images for the Challenge:

 Astrid's #1:  "Fog in the fields 2008"

Astrid's #2:  "Utrecht, 2008"
(with a bit of selective coloring added)

 Astrid's #3:  "Out in the polder/fields, 2008"

Astrid's #4

Astrid's #5:  "The sun makes an effort to shine...."

And with that, we are well on our way to before we know it!


  1. When people ask if you like the Netherlands, I often refer to your 'In Soul' and there is your answer. Nothing more nothing less. These pictures and video's show Dutch life, the simple life, but it IS Soulful, for the both of us. I can still enjoy the simplicity of cows in a meadow, a working windmill....
    Thank you for adding the B&W challenge of the both of us. That was a fin thing to do.
    Dutch life, wonderful........

    1. You are my biggest Fan Club, dear Astrid, for which you know I thank you profusely! I do totally love your country and where we live. It's as close to heaven as I'd ever want to be, and that's saying something. :)

  2. Lots of really good stuff here, including Astrid's words above.

    1. Thanks, Susan. As you know, Astrid is my biggest and greatest Fan Club. :) I don't know how much photography I'd be doing without her?!

  3. I love your country!!!! So enjoyed your b&w challenge too!

    1. You know I'm in heaven here, Robin. Thanks for knowing and being happy for me/us. :)

  4. The warmest since 1901? And we have had perhaps the coldest in a long time! The sun and warmth just jump from your photos. (adorable horse weathervane) Didn't know you were on Facebook - just sent a friend request your way. The black and whites are ALL stunning. I'd say you live with quite the competition!!

    1. I LOVE living with my "competition," Margaret. HA! We often marvel at how differently we see and capture the same thing. It makes our world go 'round. :)

      And yes, I AM on FB and have just confrimed your Friend Request. Thank you.

  5. Of course you had the warmest November while we had the coldest...ugh! I love the B and W photos from both of you and I think #5 from each of you are my favs.

    1. This "climate change" phenomenon is just crazy, Donna. Some places are warmer and some are colder. I wish we could spread both out a little bit. The Dutch are really hoping for a real winter so that they can skate on the canals. It's happened maybe only once since I have been here. (sigh).

      Thanks for picking favs from our B&W challenge. That was fun. :)

  6. I love how Astrid feels that you perfectly capture Holland! You really do encompass everything, large and small, animal, mineral and vegetable. I love it all! And how beautiful that you enjoy your outings together so much. Your life is beautiful!

    And the black and whites you both shared were the best at FB!

    1. Awwww, Ruth. You sure know how to make my day. THANK YOU! You are one of those who really knows how happy I am here!

  7. Bravo to you and Astrid on your photo entries. Love your Rockettes “interpolation.” Alas, the third and fourth group would not open so I’m left to imagine traffic noises and jiggles. The colors of those leaves is amazing.

    1. Thanks, Ted, for faithfully checking out these posts. It sounds like you couldn't access the Vimeo videos...but I think that's only in the email version. You may need to access them on the actual blog page?

    2. The windmill’s spinning is amazing. Around here, only the modern ones spin, and they don’t have the same magic.

      As to cows, I was always amazed to watch them drag themselves, overfull with milk, up from the fields to the barn at the proper hour to find relief. We lived on a farm in New Milford from 1974 to 1979. I had a good friend who would come to my house each Friday evening to sit and share recorded music. Usually around 10 or 11 PM, our heads full of music, we would go out for a walk under the stars. The farm was on a broad ridge, and at night it felt like walking in the flatlands of Nebraska or Minnesota. We’d walk between the fields where the cows spent the night. We couldn’t see them, but we could here the mud pies drop as they all cleared their bowels at our passing. I’ve also enjoyed watching and learning how calves play.

    3. AHA! So you already know about all of this from your own experiences, Ted. Thanks for sharing!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...