Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dutch Watermills

You may remember that there is a Dutch database of 1173+ complete/active WINDmills in the Netherlands (with another 4000+ incomplete/vanished windmills), all in a country the geographical size of slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey.

But WATERmills...that's something else.  There are only 108+/- in the Netherlands.  That explains why Astrid and I were so excited to see TWO of them while on our Vasse trip in early December.

But first, you know how much it's not just the destination but the journey that excites us...on two separate days, one after the other.

Vasse is in the Twente region of eastern Netherlands in the Overijssel province.
The farm houses are a different architecture from where we live in South Holland province.

I don't remember seeing sheep, interestingly, though surely they were there.

But there were a few windmills...and even a lion, prancing about.

And as I mentioned on Facebook, I loved the drive-by "shootings" of people!
Life is at a slower pace out in the boonies, which I love.

As we neared our first watermill, I totally woke up to the trees everywhere.  
OMG.  They spoke to me....

And then, suddenly, we were there, at the 1880 Watermolen van Singraven in Denekamp.
As you can see out back, the watermill is used to saw wood.

But first, we spent time at the dam across the street.
Lots of water power!

Wonderful scenic views downstream.

And the Singraven Coach House (with its weathervanes) is also there, off to the left of the dam.
It goes all the way back to 1415.

But it was the watermill we had come to see, with its three wheels.

We couldn't have picked a better day for a perfect example of a Dutch watermill.

And because this is what the Dutch do, we stopped inside for our koffie break.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The next day, on our way home, we headed out to another watermill, 
De Noordmolen in Ambt-Delden.

It was built in 1325, renovated in 1984.

And what was most amazing...not another soul was anywhere to be seen.
We had it all to ourselves.

Well, that is, until we went across the street for our koffie break there,
just as they were opening for the day at 12 noon.

Two watermills in two days, Folks.
I kept thinking about a wheel in the middle of a wheel from Ezekiel 1:16!
It doesn't get much better than that, if you want to know the truth.


  1. I love the Netherlands and you capture is so beautifully. Its flat countryside reminds me of our current home. Our son-in-law was raised there and speaks Dutch. There were Dutch immigrants to this island as well. One family is in the cheese making business and the woman is known as the Gouda Lady. Her cheese is delicious. Most Dutch Canadian families here own farms.

    You make art of everything through the eye of your camera. Have a great weekend of adventure!

    1. AHA! So you are "connected" at the hip, I see, to the Dutch way of life. It truly is a wonderful country, as seen from an outsider's point of view. I learn something new almost every day, which thrills me to no end.

      Thank you for stopping by again, Marie, and giving such kind remarks.

  2. This is incredibly beautiful countryside and architecture. Another piece of your heaven, I love it for you, and for me. :)

    1. I know, Ruth. I know. I still pinch myself every day because of the beauty of this place, rain or shine. I'm thrilled that soon you will see some of it for yourself! Thank you.

  3. Watermills are so different from windmills however I love them. The technology, the shape, the free use of water to make it run. we saw some real Dutch heritage which I never grow tired off. Wonderful pictures show the beauty of it all. We are two fortunate ladies, sometimes I have to pinch myself, yes it is real. IHVJ.

    1. Your research into what's "available" to see while we're out-n-about is beyond splendid for us and our photo hunts, every time, Astrid. THANK YOU. I know that you're also seeing many of these places for the first time, so it's such a win-win for us both! We really ARE fortunate!

  4. I love the boonies and the watermills! Thanks for fortunate gals! ❤️

    1. There seems to be no end to all that's available to see in this wee country, Robin...many places even Astrid hasn't seen in her 61+ years. We really ARE fortunate! Thank you.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Donna. It was a new Dutch discovery for me! :)

  6. Glorious, my favorite post yet. To see a working waterwheel of that size - outstanding!!!! I would be going back regularly.

    1. We were thrilled to see them, Ted, and now want to find some of the other ones, which shouldn't be all that far away. I can picture you having a heyday with them all.


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