Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Birthday Girl

It happens to be Astrid's 63rd birthday today.  Not that we're counting, of course, but at 9 years my junior, we laugh about how she's always catching up.  HA!

So, this is a SHOUT-OUT to my Partner in Crime, Dancing Queen, Lady of the Polder, best friend, wife...and love of my life.

 Surely you remember this from our Amersfoort trip a couple of weekends ago.
Yup.  She's the one and this is HER day.

Now, how about something fun!
When I saw this on Facebook a month ago, it had ASTRID written all over it.
One-eyed Stuart is actually her favorite Minion, but this one is close enough.
(I have since discovered the copter also comes as Stuart!)

So I ordered it without blinking an eye...and gave it to her early.

Do I know her or what!

We don't usually give gifts to each other...saving our money for eating out and traveling.
But this was an exception too good to refuse.
Every time it crashes, she repairs it and starts all over again.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lady of the Polder!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And now for a heads-up about what's on my plate these days.  I've started my Dutch Weathervanes book and am up to my ears in gathering them in from myriad files these last almost 8 years.  

Which is another way of saying I'm not processing travel images right now.  Just weathervanes.

So, wish me success as I try to figure it all out.....  I want to have the finished book waiting for me when we arrive in America for our annual October trip!


  1. Happy birthday, dear Astrid. Have a wonderful day!

    Love the helicopter. Great choice, Ginnie.

    1. Sometimes it's the most simple of things that gives the greatest pleasure, Marie, right? :)

  2. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Queen of the Polder!! Love the minion-copter!

    1. You nailed it, Ruth, with Queen of the Polder. She can hardly wait to show off her Minion copter to Jeroen tonight when he comes over for the birthday celebration here. He'll be so jealous! :D

  3. Thank you for this post. If anybody had any doubts, this is the confirmation, I am young at heart and that counts...... Thank you for all the love and trust in me. Good luck on your project. I know this was a wish for some time and now you will make it happen. IHVJ!!!!

    1. I love that we can support each other in all our different projects, Astrid. What a team! :) Thanks.

  4. I just love everything about all of this! And I adore and admire the love you two have for each other! Wonderful news on the book!!

    1. You our one of our biggest fans, Robin, which we both adore about YOU. Thank you!

  5. lol i just love that copter thingie too... tho maybe not quite as much as Astrid does lol happy days for both of you, and we will miss your travel pictures while you do the book, have fun!

    1. Sometimes it's the simplest of things that gives the most pleasure. Funny how that is! And thanks for your book support. Getting all the images organized is probably the biggest challenge of the whole thing!

  6. Happy birthday Astrid. You are still a wee one, a mere 63 entering your 64th year. Happy 64th. I don’t understand the one-eyed minion thing, but you’ll explain when you get here.

    1. 63 does seem young these days, Ted, doesn't it. HA! But it wasn't too long ago that we were in her shoes. Time sure does fly!

      Here's a link to the one-eyed Stuart copter:

  7. Happy belated birthday Astrid! Hoped you had a blast.


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