Thursday, February 01, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: January 2018

Guess what!  1/12th of 2018 is now gone.  Do you believe it?

Moving right along, these are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for January 2018:

January 7 (photo manipulation):
"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save;
they just stand there shining." --Anne Lamott

January 14 (photo manipulation):
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
--Henry David Thoreau

"Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open."
--Dalai Lama

January 21 (photo manipulation):
"The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important 
than wealth and privilege." --Charles Kuralt

These two hands are from the Gorinchem citadel friendship statue
that brother Nelson and I touched together this past Thursday.

January 21 (photo manipulation):
"This is the place of my song-dream, the place the music played to me,'
whispered the Rat, as if in a trance.
'Here, in this holy place, here if anywhere, surely."
--Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

These are  my Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for January, 2018:

(finished on 21 January 2005, posted on FB 6 January 2018)
To start off this first Saturday of the new year, I've chosen a Saint (which one???),
rendered from the Book of Kells on translucent paper from my Celtic Stained Glass book.
Happy New Year, again.

(finished on 14 November 2017, posted on FB 13 January 2018)
What do you see, I wonder, in this Color Me Happy design?!
I saw skewed bull's eyes floating and stretching across the page, 
making it very difficult to hit the mark.

(finished on 5 September 2017, posted on FB 20 January 2018)
There are 8 of us.  8 kids in my family of origin, with Nelson at the top as our Elder.
I suppose Susan (#2) is on his right hand and I'm on his left (#3).  
Ruth is at the bottom (#8), holding us all up!
And now, after a fabulous week showing Nelson this fair country,
we drive him back to Amsterdam this morning for his flight back to Holland, MI.
Travel mercies, Nelson.  We'll never forget this time together.
(from my Mandalas book)

(finished on 24 December 2017, posted on FB 27 January 2018)
As Voices are being heard around the world these days,
I'm drawn to all that is indigenous, native, aboriginal...guttural!
Lest we forget!
(from my 12 x 12 Mandala book)

After last night's Super Blue Blood Moon eclipse, ending the month of January...carry on!


  1. With these posts it shows how fast time flies. I love the lighthouse and the heron. The colourings are always a joy to look at. I see them 'grow' while you are doing them. My joy and your joy. IHVJ.

    1. You're the one who gets to see my joy, day in and day out, Astrid. Thank you for being such a huge support!

  2. Oh these colorings! I missed the last one on FB! It is absolutely splendid! Yes very aboriginal.

    1. Thanks, Ruth. That's one of my favorites of all time. :)

  3. Well, who ever that saint is, he looks STARTLED lol and if anybody is startled by Christianity... i can empathize :)
    and the bulls eyes on the many dart boards seem to have been hit with every dart thrown, shows how things can be perfect regardless of living in a weird reality :)
    i just love your water colours... did i mention that before... it needs repeating i think xoxox

    1. You're such a huge supporter of these attempts, Elaine. THANK YOU! It means a lot.

  4. I always look forward to these. I try not to look at them on FB so I can view all at one time each month. My favorite is the last one of the photo manipulation...that one so speaks to me and I can't really put into words why. And that's OK.

    1. I must say, Robin, that I can understand why you'd wait till I do these month compilations. When I first decided to do it, it helped ME to see them as a whole, so thank you for your vote of confidence. :) Choosing the willows as your favorite also makes sense to me. I never saw this type of willows in America, so they're soulful to me here. Very!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...