Thursday, April 05, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: March 2018

When you say 1/4th of the year is now history, that sounds much different than 3 months, right?  So hard to believe!

But it's true, and here are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for March 2018:

March 4 (photo manipulation)
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
--Mother Teresa

"Well behaved women rarely make history."
--Eleanor Roosevelt

[for International Women's Day, March 8th]

March 11 (photo manipulation)
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:
when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
--Charles Dickens

March 18 (photo manipulation)
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer:  It sings because it has a song."
--Chinese Proverb

March 25 (photo manipulation)
"The invention of basketball was not an accident.  It was developed to meet a need.
Those boys simply would not play Drop the Handkerchief."
--James Naismith (Canadian inventor of basketball in 1891)

[For my March Madness friends, GO BLUE!]

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for March 2018:

(finished on 11 February 2018, posted on FB 3 March 2018) 
So, I'm trying new color combinations.  HA!
Not sure what I see in this Mandalas design.  Maybe a distressed snowflake?
Maybe a lion who came roaring into March this year,
breaking all our cold temps here in the Netherlands?
Code Yellow today for black ice and whatever snow conditions may continue to come....

(finished on 26 November 2017, posted on FB 10 March 2018) 
Sometimes you need to brighten things up a bit!
(from my 6 x 6 mini-mandala book)

(finished on 7 January 2018, posted on FB 17 March 2018)
With Spring officially just 3 days from now,
we awakened this morning here in the Netherlands to a dusting of snow,
our first since the beginning of December.
That's not stopping me from posting this Mandala Kleurboek design.

Oh, and Happy St. Paddy's Day!

(finished on 8 January 2018, posted on FB 24 March 2018)
No, it is not Valentine's Day or Carnival (see the masks?) but...
what about some yin-yangs to represent the dualities we're faced with on a daily basis,
especially as they relate to light vs. dark in our world today.
I'm thinking of Facebook and how we can't live with it and can't live without it.
May we all find the "balance" we need.
(from my Kaleido Color book on black-background paper)

(finished on 8 March 2018, posted on FB 31 March 2018)
With every passing day, even though our temps still hover around 40 F,
it's looking like Spring!
(from my Mandala Kleurboek)


And many thanks to Astrid for the bunch of yellow tulips still sitting in our living room.


  1. It is so much fun to see all your creativity in one post. Each time it is a joy to see it again. I am the one who sees the Saturday's colouring 'grow under your hands'...
    The one with the yellow tulips is very appropriate for Spring and Easter. IHVJ.

    1. You are definitely the one who sees the coloring "growing under my hands." HA! I love that expression. Bedankt en IHVJ.

  2. Love the colours. I am partial to the basketball net!

    1. Of course you're partial to the basketball hoop. :) I had no idea a Canadian invented the game!

  3. Love them all, esp the mandala with black background!

    We are so cold still too, as you know. Supposed to be cold until later in April!

    1. You're quite "predictable" on that black-background paper, Ruth. HA! I love it.

      What a strange winter that refuses to release its grasp. (sigh)

  4. lovely piccies sister... that basketball quote was very interesting lol pick up the handkerchief indeed :)

    1. Thanks, Elaine. That basketball quote really made me laugh out loud! :D


End-of-Life Legalities

  Or a word to the wise (and for the record)! After Sander died in April, 2023...without a Will, remember?...and our tax accountant retired...