Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hailey Hermien Astrid Frieling

YES!  She has entered our world and we are two of the lucky grandmas.  Don't you love her middle names?!  Hermien is the other lucky g'ma, Eva's mother.

Parents:  Jeroen (Astrid's son) and Eva
(photo taken at 12:20 a.m. today by hospital staff)

Date of Birth:  12 September 2018 (yesterday)
Time of Birth:  11:00 p.m.
Weight:  3455 gm. (7.62 lbs.)
Height:  52 cm (20.47 in.)
Place of Birth:  Gorinchem, NL

It was a difficult birth for Eva, after 19 hours of labor.  Nor is she or baby "out of the woods." 
But our "thoughts and prayers" are with them both in this new Journey of Life and Love.
I'll keep you updated as I am able....


  1. Welcome Hailey into this world, you will be loved to no end.

  2. It is thrilling to welcome Hailey to the world knowing how much she is LOVED!

    1. I know, Ruth. It's a love that's hard to measure, as you already know!

  3. Oh, the young Astrid is now also grandmother- what a wonderful news - and my very best wishes for Eva, Jeroen and the little Hailey, what a beautiful name!

    1. Thank you ever so much, Philine, for sharing our tremendous joy! As you can imagine, we're now on a new Journey together!

  4. So happy Hailey has arrived. Rest and healing for mom and baby!

    1. Joy all around, Marie, as we begin this new Journey together! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. little bebe, my prayers are still going up

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Anne! And how good it was to see you a couple weeks ago!

  7. Congrats! So happy that things are moving in the right direction! You two will make awesome grandmas!

    1. How sweet of you, Robin. Thank you for your vote of confidence!

  8. How wonderful for both of you! Congratulations! I truly hope that both mom and baby will be fully healthy soon and go home being a family. I reminded me of Antonia's birth and how much of a miracle I thought she was (still do that!). I know that you two will be wonderful grandmas.

    1. Thank you so much, Carola, for commenting here on this great occasion for us both. You will see in my new post what has been going on this past week in this wee one's life!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...