Thursday, March 21, 2019

ROKR Wooden Mechanical Tractor

Remember back to the end of last year when as a Christmas present to both of us, Astrid and I put together first the ROKR clock (moi) and then the ROKR locomotive (Astrid)!

Now it's time to show you the tractor that Astrid finally made, waiting in the wings until after two sweaters were finished, one for me and then one for her.  HA!  That's my girl!

Of the 3 projects, this was the "simplest," in that it had only 135 pieces.
The locomotive had 349 pieces, the clock had 170, and all had 9-10 gears.
There's a wind-up key with spring on each that makes the gears work.

Don't you love it!

The fun tidbit about the timing of this finished project last week
is that it was the same week that sister Ruth and Don moved to their new farmhouse in Maine.
The Farm is in our DNA, Ruth says.  I believe it.

And it really does work!

Just for the halibut, here's another one...
both videos taken in our community room here where we live.

Now you know how crazy we are, right?!
We're actually thinking we might need to find another one...
if we can come up with a place to put it!

Right now these 3 pieces are in our china cabinet, protected from "weather"...and dust.  :)

OH!  And remember that the clock only ran for 5 seconds at the most when I finished it?
It now runs over 2+ minutes on a short wind-up.
That means the temp control in the cabinet has worked its magic, I guess?!


  1. It is very fascinating to see how it "all fits" and that it works... FUN FUN FUN.... that the clock is back to life is indeed by the good conditions I think and with a little help the clocks ticks "very happy".. The tractor is a fun thing and now all three of them are safely in the cabinet for everybody to see and for us to smile at... Thank you for the purchase of these three and making this post and the Vimeos. IHVJ.

    1. Just when we think we can't possibly have more fun!!! HA! I love it for us both. Bedankt.

  2. It even goes over the little hump! These finished pieces are very cool, and I love that the two of you enjoy piecing them together.

    1. Don't you love that it indeed goes over the hump, Ruth!!! That's why I wanted to show that video along with the other one. Doing things with our hands is so important to all of us, I think (I mean you, Don, Astrid and me). :)

  3. It’s a beauty! Such fun to build and play with.

  4. hey, this is sooo cool, that I think I will buy the clock for hubby for Christmas next year :) Thank you for sharing this post on the subject, so neat!!
    I'm glad your sister is settling into her new place.

    1. If he loves working with intricate things, Elaine, he'll love it. Make sure you let me know. And yes, I love that Don and Ruth are settling into their new home. I can just picture them!

  5. These pieces are amazing! So enjoy the videos too!


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