Thursday, February 10, 2022

Picturit 2: A Shutterchance Love Story

Remember the photo book I did back in 2018 of Astrid's photos on our Shutterchance photoblog:  Picturit?  You can find it on my left sidebar under My Photo Books.  

It's high time I now add the second volume, Picturit 2, that I finished last October, 3 years after the first.  It also is now added to my sidebar, under the first volume.

Once you click on the above link, left-click on the book to view it, making sure you also click on the full-screen link (top-right).  The 12" x 12", 110-page book includes 235 images from September of 2018 (leaving off from the first volume) to September of 2021.

As a reminder as to why these 2 books are called A Shutterchance Love Story, Astrid is known on our photoblog for the placement of her signature (watermark).  She's brilliant at placing her name exactly where she says she "pictures it" when she takes the photo.

Enjoy!  And if you wish, you can also follow her at her Shutterchance photoblog:  Picturit (not to be confused with this book).

[Addendum: In the actual 12" x 12" book you can find the signatures more easily because the pages are large enough, which will be hard to see in the online version, unless your screen is large enough.]

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

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