Monday, May 14, 2018

PICTURIT: A Shutterchance Love Story

For Astrid's upcoming Retirement at the end of May, 2018, I have celebrated this milestone by making a 12 x 12 book of 245 of my favorite images of her 1200+ postings on Shutterchance, the photoblog where she and I first met in 2007....

...and then married in 2010!  As Astrid often says, "Blame it on the internet!"

This is, indeed, a love story.  ENJOY.

Once you click on the "Click here to view this photo book" link above, click "view" when it opens to see the book exactly as it should appear.  To read the text, you may need to enlarge your screen several times:  Ctrl + for Windows; Command + for Mac.

You can also now find this book added to my sidebar, where clicking on it will direct you to this page.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

This is an early post for this week because Astrid and I fly to America on Wednesday,
first for a week in Michigan for my 55th high school reunion (Class of '63),
followed by 1.5 weeks in Atlanta for g'son Nicholas' high school graduation.
He returns with us to The Netherlands for 2 weeks on June 3rd.


  1. I am still very humbled by the fact that you made this book. A true love story indeed in many ways. When I look back on some of the pictures I wonder "did I take those". It is a fact that my challenge is to "hide" my signature in the picture. A pleasure that I will try to continue. For now, cannot wait to see the book in real. Thank you again, mijn vrouw, IHVJ

    1. I love that you were happy I did this book, Astrid, and wanted to see it through to fruition. I can hardly wait to see the hard copy in real life, though I suspect the colors will be truer in this online version. Bedankt.

  2. An act of true love to compile Astrid's photographs, which are also an act of true love! And I got to see the books before you. :)

    1. Lots of love all around with this one, Ruth. Thanks for YOUR part in saving them for us till we arrive!

  3. This is a beautiful retirement gift for Astrid. The photos are amazing :-)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Cherry. We can hardly wait to see the real deal once we arrive at sister Ruth's in Michigan tomorrow (Wednesday). :)

  4. that book looks amaaaazing... you did a great job with it, and Astrid is a great photographer!! wow!


End-of-Life Legalities

  Or a word to the wise (and for the record)! After Sander died in April, 2023...without a Will, remember?...and our tax accountant retired...