Sunday, March 10, 2024

Den Bosch, NL, With Our New iPhone 15 Pro Maxes

Believe it or not, it was a month ago that I posted about our new iPhone 15 Pro Maxes, the gifts Astrid and I received from Sander's inheritance.  But it was 6 days later, on February 17, that we drove to Den Bosch (53 km/34 mi from home) to "practice" in earnest with them in the St. John's cathedral there.

Which is to say I need to quickly catch up...since we just returned from 6 days on Texel again, where we really "practiced."  But first, Den Bosch.

I've already made 2 posts on Den Bosch, first in 2010 and then in 2019.  So this isn't a post about Den Bosch, per se, but about the abilities and power of the iPhone 15 Pro Max camera, about which we're still learning and loving.

As we left the parking garage to enter the city, Jheronimus Bosch welcomed us.
This was new for me, so, of course, out popped the iPhone for the first photo of the day.

On our way into the city, I checked the camera's zoom.
I can't bend down like Astrid (fake knee hurts when I do), so would the 5x zoom be good enough?
So far so good but you'll see it better later, inside the church. 

As we're wont to do, just outside the church we whetted our appetite with a latte macchiato.
See me practicing on the photo-blur focus (bottom-left)?

Then it was all about using the B&W this case, the NOIR:

All 3 of these images were further tweaked in PhotoShop to make them warmer.
But it was clear to me that day that I had a penchant for the 16:9 size ratio and the noir option.

However, once inside the cathedral, I first started with "normal" photos,
How would the camera handle the low-light ?

The nave.

The organ.

The pulpit.

All of my COLLAGE photos in this post are SOOC (straight out of camera)
with tweaks inside the PicMonkey software.

But would the zoom be strong enough to capture details I could get with my Canon camera???
This was my answer:  see those 4 pillars near the "seeing-eye" cupola (top-left)?
Yes, the zoom works!

As you see, I then reverted back to my penchant for the 16:9 size ratio and the noir option,
further tweaked in PhotoShop.

After the church, we had a delightful lunch where I practiced again with depth of field/blur.
It takes getting used to but is actually very user-friendly.

Den Bosch, February 17, 2024:  our first photo hunt with our iPhone 15 Pro Maxes (our Sanders, as our Dutch friend, Marjolein, calls them!).  It was a great start on the learning curve....

But wait till you see Texel again, this time through our Sanders.  In both photo hunts, I never once used my Canon PowerShot camera.  That doesn't mean I'll never use it again, of course, but one does wonder what the advantages will be for taking it along on every trip?

As a BTW, we both had iPhone lanyards around our necks holding our phones the entire photo hunt,
which we highly recommend for those fearing loss, dropping or grabbing.
They're also nice for those hand-free times you need.


  1. Another great excursion. I love how you both embrace adventure and with your new phones, how you take us with you!

    1. Because we can't be everywhere all at once, Marie, we need each other to take us to places we can't go through the stories we tell and the photos we share. Thank you for sharing yours.

  2. Leuk om nu het hele experiment te zien van jullie geweldige "Sanders". Maar wat een geweldig resultaat. Echt uitmuntend moet ik zeggen. Fijne zondag verder.

    1. I love that YOU were the one who named our iPhones for us, Marjolein. THANK YOU. And to think that this excursion was the beginning of our learning experience. Every time we're out-n-about, we learn something new, as happened almost every day while we were just on Texel. I love your excitement for us. Bedankt.

  3. It was fun to play around with the iPhones/"Sanders" and to discover a few of the many possibilities. It is a learning curve and we teach each other. Your pictures show the (almost) unlimited possibilities. The zoom is amazing as is the B&W. It was a fun day in Den Bosch and we should do this more often. IHVJ.

    1. And to think it was photography where we found each other, Astrid!!! Of course it makes sense that after almost 17 years we still get excited about cameras and taking photos. We're the "old dogs" who can learn new tricks, which we're proving to each other time after time. Thank you for being my Partner in Crime. :)

  4. Very nice! All the images are beautiful. It’s great to have this lightweight easy option!

    (sister) Ruth

    1. Thank you, Ruth, and exactly. Plus, the battery of the iPhone, if fully charged, lasts longer than 2 for the camera!

  5. The pictures with the iPhone are perfect. Such a great idea for both of you to treat yourselves to. Love the photo in the water.

    1. Ohhh, I so wish I knew who you are who wrote this???? Regardless, thank you.

  6. LOVE this posting!! Apple should pay you! Ha!

    1. HAHA, Robin. Now THAT'S an idea. BTW, I see on FB that you like/took the iPhone Photography course. I'd love to know your evaluation of it...and which one exactly that you took, since there are so many out there.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...