Thursday, May 05, 2005

Father's Day and Ascension

Today (Thursday) in Germany is the holiday for both Father's Day and Ascension Day (40 days after Easter). Donica was off work at the office here but not at her Marietta office, so she worked here from the apartment, mostly via phone calls to all her direct reports.

In the meantime, Frau Fahrtmann, our landlady, told me in her darn-good English that today Jesus went to Heaven. And then she and her husband rode their bikes to Town Hall (on Maschsee Lake) to celebrate Father's Day, with live bands and all kinds of entertainment. Father's Day here is not like in the States. In fact, the stereotype is that this is the time for all the dads to go out together and have a big-party blast!

Speaking of ascension (and not to be sacrireligious), we ascend into the skies tomorrow for our week's trip home to Atlanta. It's such a strange feeling as we pack, leaving most of our stuff here, like we're leaving for a trip instead of for home. But by the next weekend, we'll be on our way back.

Another ascension connection: Frau Fahrtmann had told me the other day that her mother was buried in the neighborhood cemetery a block or two away (which I hadn't even known was there, though walking by it several times, because of the hedges). So today, to get out of Donica's hair for awhile, and because the sun was shining, I walked over to see it (you know me and cemeteries).

Amy and Mark will think I'm crazy but I started crying when I got there. This is probably the most incredibly beautiful cemetery I have ever seen. In fact, when I came back (after 40+ photos!), I told Frau Fahrtmann I wanted my ashes to be buried there! It had that affect on me. To rest in peace there before dying was the sweetest feeling. Like I often say, you had to be there!

Anyway, here's Mimmi, definitely resting in peace! Her husband, Fritz, died at sea in WWII at the age of 33. Mom and Dad of Frau Fahrtmann, our landlady.


  1. Gorgeous. Cemeteries are something I like a lot too. But you definitely beat Donica and me for curiosity and perseverence at Pere-Lachaise.

    So, are you going to put it in your will somewhere that you want your ashes buried there??


  2. No, highly unlikely. But it was the thought that counted and that was enough. If that makes sense?


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...