Monday, January 09, 2006

From Here to There (Again)

Like Pavlov's dog, I'm hoping I've conditioned you by now to hear "Yup! It's that time to fly to Germany (or home) again!"

Indeed! Donica left for Hannover, Germany, yesterday, arriving today. I leave today, arriving tomorrow (always the frequent-flyer-mile discrepancy!). It's either Delta or her partner, Air France, and today, it's Air France. Quite honestly, I like AF's food better and the wine is free ($5 on Delta). Details.

Coming-back date is Friday the 27th for both of us, so that makes for a good two weeks plus. You know by now that I love these back-n-forth trips. I love my new home away from home. I love it there; I love it here; I love it there.

So, God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll greet you next from Hannover. Tschüss (= Bye) for now.


  1. Thanks, MP. I did. No hitches whatsoever but now I'm tired and think I'll go take a nap! Just arrived at the apartment half an hour ago (1p Hannover time). And the sun is shining!!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...