Friday, February 03, 2006

From Hannover to Atlanta Today

Yup, it's that time again, after almost 4 weeks here in Hannover. Time to go back home and see my kids and grandson, Nicholas, and Donica's family. We miss them all! And time for Donica to see if all is well on the western front.

While we fly the friendly skies (United doesn't have a monopoly!), I thought you'd get a kick out of this photo from that my older, Presbyterian-ordained brother sent me. It's the entry entitled "Big Step" by Harry122. Do me a favor and click on the link while I'm flying through the sky.

The joke is on me!

Then, assuming we land in Atlanta just fine, I'll be in the mas o menos same time zone as the rest of you for awhile! Donica will probably return to Hannover this month for a shorter trip, without me. I'm guessing I'll be back in March sometime. Virtually, of course, it doesn't matter. So back at you again soon!


  1. Thanks, Mr. Fab and Lisa. It was a very looooong trip this time--12 hours on the airplane instead of the usual 9-10--because of a luggage issue. They thought they had lots of luggage on the plane that shouldn't have been there, so they emptied it all out onto the tarmac, then had all the passengers disembark the plane, 10 at a time, to go claim their luggage. So we left 2-1/2 hours late.

    We arrived at our Atlanta house (one hour's drive from the airport) at midnight, Atlanta time...or 6a Hannover time today! That means it was almost 24 hours from when we got up yesterday before we actually got home! Thank God we both were able to nap a bit while flying! And we both slept reasonably well last night.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...