Sunday, February 12, 2006

Too Two-Watched

Last night we took Nicholas to the circus (coming soon to a theater post near you), before which we ate supper. As we waited for our food, and he colored, I almost burst out laughing when I saw his two watches. Amy says he's been putting both of them on each day.

So I started thinking. Can any child nowadays be too watched? We certainly know there are plenty of kids who aren't watched enough, either by their parents or teachers or "villages." There are also some who are over-protected, shielded from anything or everything that can possibly be construed as harmful.

I'd like to think Nicholas has a well-balanced watchfulness 'round and about him. From everyone who cares about him, including us g'mas.

For sure, he is one two-watched child, deeply loved and cherished. Oh that all children everywhere were so protected and watched!


  1. Very nice guy! Wearing two watches is REALLY COOL! :-))

  2. Mr. Fab: I agree--he is very lucky.

    KPK: COOL is right. He certainly thinks so!

  3. Precious boy. Thanks for finding the bigger meaning behind the story.

  4. Ruth: He is indeed so very precious and reminds me often of the Bigger Meaning!

    Lisa: I thought of you when I wrote that!

  5. The best readers and learners in school are those children who had adults talking to them and caring about them in a positive way for more than 60 minutes per day. I think N is more than adequately prepared for school. (and life)!
    Nice blog Boots!

  6. Coming from you, Don--an educator, this means a lot! Thanks.

  7. It sort of reminds me of that 80's trend when Swatches were oh so popular and people started wearing as many as they could on their arms. I only wanted the one watch... And if I read into this correctly, of course kids need their time not to be watched.

  8. HA, ET. I had forgotten all about that Swatches trend! And yes, there needs to be a balance on the watching. I'm not sure which is worse--too much or not enough. And perhaps it depends on the child?


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...