Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mad Hatters

HA! Blame this one on Amy's comment from my last post: "You could probably do a different post each day on your collections, each day being about a different collection, and next thing you know 2007 would be here!"

So, here's a look at our collection of 95+ baseball hats that line the ceiling of our basement office, in no particular order. Donica buys them and I hang them :)

Here are 4 hats up close and personal from above my desk. I just looked up and snapped the pic. Every hat means something, of course: starting from the left, my mom graduated from Smith College in Northampton, MA, where we walked the campus one autumn; we visited the Dole Plantation in HA a couple years ago; we went to Wimbledon in England when the tennis courts were empty one spring (the day the Queen Mum had her funeral, which we saw on the wide-screen TV in a room near Center Court); and yes, we went to a Brooks & Dunn concert.

I could list all 95 hats for you and entertain you for hours...but I'll spare you. I'm mad but not that mad!


  1. I must be mad as well. I saw such a collection adorning the den of an acquaintance of mine in the early 90's and immediately started one of my own. The hats didn't make it across the pond, sadly, but it all turned out okay because we don't have a den. :) You and Donica are the first other Brooks and Dunn fans I know of. Back in KY I didn't even know anyone who had one of their CD's.

  2. I love your collections! You will be either adding on an addition to the house or moving soon! I just saw a store in Dublin today called the Mad Hatter and now wish I had snapped a photo, and maybe bought you a hat?!

  3. that is so cool. I love hats like that. I guess you will find a hat in vancouver too.

  4. Wooow, what lovely hats or maybe caps? My favourite is from NY – I got it from my mother in law last time I was visiting. I even got autographs of some baseball players from the Albany Diamond Dogs on it. Now I use it whenever golfing:-)
    Btw: Thanks for the visit and nice comment on my blog. Hope you took your time to vote for me too!

  5. Lisa: We LOVE Brooks & Dunn and they put on one good concert. They don't keep winning Country Duo of the year for nothing!

    Don: Awww. What a nice after-thought (along with the rubbers :)

    ET: Oh, yes. You can bet we'll find at least one hat in Vancouver...and one on the Island!

    Renny: Believe it or not, we don't have a NY cap yet because we haven't been there except for passing through. But one day we definitely plan to be there and will probably end up with several hats of this that and the other.

  6. You can blame the fact that you did a post on another one of our collections on Amy. However, we have to take credit for the over-abundance of collections throughout the house. I might be in favor of a larger house so we could collect more things that make us smile!! I know, I know....two people could not possiblity need any more room than we already have....well...think about it anyway!

    Don-I'm glad you like our collections! Maybe you should start a collection of antique tractors for the farm!! I will have to look for the "Mad Hatter" if I have another trip to Dublin.

    ExpatTraveler-absolutely! we will need at least one Vancouver hat. We pick-up one for every city we visit and then one for events, concerts, and other special places we visit.

  7. LALALALALALALALALALA (hands over my ears). I know you think we neeed a bigger house, Donica, BUT NO ONE LISTEN TO HER! Don't let her fool you. We have plenty of room for all our collections...and when we don't, we'll just have to stop collecting. (Yeah, right!)

    I LOL, Donica, when you said Don should collect antique tractors. Wouldn't that be a riot!

  8. Nice collection! But I know someone who has several hundred unique hats in his collection. :)

  9. Tim: Several hundred? OMG, please don't let Donica know!

  10. Very nice collection you have there. Got any Swiss hat, yet? ;-)

  11. CanadianSwiss-no Swiss hat yet...but we are definitly looking for an opportunity for a trip to Basel. One of the rules of the collections is that "under normal circumstances" we only add to the collection if we both visit or attend. Since I have periodic trips to Basel we are looking for the right opportunity for Ginnie to make the trip too. Maybe in the fall...

    Dennis-of all the possible combinations of hats that could have appeared on the blog....interesting that there was a very special one for you!! And, thanks again for the postcard and magnet. The magnet immediately joined the magnet collection on the frig! I am sure this could cause another post....

  12. CS: I see that Donica has already answered for me :)

    Dennis: I honestly did not realize I had HAWAII in both pics I took! Must be an good omen there, you think? We both well remember our visit to the U of Hawaii, and I assume that's plumeria all over the cap?! Hmm. Another good omen, I see :)

    Donica: AHA. Everyone is now my witness about another possible blogger rendezvous. Yoohoo!

    I know you're almost one step ahead of me, Donica, about those fridge magnets. HA. But I already have the title of the post chosen :) And the one about the bears. This is so much fun.

  13. Dennis, Dennis, Dennis: A magic name for us these days!

  14. Hi G&D , if you come to Noho again let me know...could be another blogger meet!

  15. Mrs. M/Shari: Oh yes. That's one of my favorites!

    Jozee: You'll be the first to know :)

  16. Each page of the U.S. Postal Commemorative Society's 50 State Quarters is $16.95. You do the math!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...