Thursday, August 09, 2007


Okay. There's a story here, folks, so let's start at the beginning.

A couple times a year, Donica and I drive down south of Atlanta to visit with her extended family on the lake of one of her cousins. One such time was last Sunday.

Another cousin, Bruce, loves to fish, as does his daughter, Abby, who actually caught a nice little fella with her kiddie pole.

In the meantime, little brother, Joey (2 1/2), is fiddlin' with his own kiddie pole on the pontoon boat while some of us oldies are taking a nice little cruise around the lake.

He even starts practicing.

Once back on shore, the next thing you know, Joey is joining Daddy and Sister.

Setting up his own pole... he's seen done many times. No mind that there's no fishing line attached...

...while Abby continues her quest off the dock, an accomplished fisherlady by now! But Joey is ready for a break.

And after a hard day's work, there's watermelon for all.

I love to see how this works, don't you? The kids mimicking the older generations. Learning how things work. Watching and observing. Trying things out.


Tomorrow Donica and I fly to Michigan for Don and Ruth's 3rd annual Farm Day on Saturday and will return to Atlanta on Sunday. Lots of MY extended family will be there, like last year. This is very different from when we're all at the cottage. It'll be our second time. After last year, we decided we wanted to go back every year we can!

Happy weekend to us all.


  1. oh he's such a delight .....and the fisher-lady too!!!! love that pic where he's setting up his pole ...haha ..have a great time in Michigan!!! :)

  2. I Love the way you see things and how the story is told;

  3. Moi: They were both so fun to watch. I couldn't resist taking lots of pics! And thanks for your wishes for our Michigan trip. :)

    Uncle Joe: You just made my day. Thanks for those kind words.

  4. Sweeeet little children!

    Happy weekend! I'll be traveling too. :-)

  5. Fun to watch this sequence with you. What sweet kids in a serene spot.

    Yay, in just a few hours, I will see you and Donica, and my little girl!!!!

  6. How wonderful for you to have extended family on both your side and on Donica's side, and all your reunions and special weekends seem to give everyone so much pleasure! That little lad and his fishing rod is priceless! What a sweetie.

  7. It's always great to see and read your cute story from important part of a daily life. I think my mom would say I'm very much like Abby and of course I do love fish and fishing, so thanks for taking me down my memory lane in this!

    Wishing you a lovely Farm Day - please keep us posted - I do remember the post from last year:-)

  8. yes - such a cute story!

    And I'm sure your travels will be so much fun... Really I can't wait till I'm a seasoned traveler again! :)

  9. My dear - we born in the same year *secret* you gave it a name "extended family"
    - May that only apply to us

  10. Such a sweet series of shots. Wish I had some watermelon. ;)

  11. Cute story, Ginnie. I noticed lots of 'becoming' when we were with our nieces and nephews the week they were all at the cabin. The nieces were the oldest at 11 and 9. Their cousins at 6, 4 and 2 mimicked so many of their moves. Awesome to watch.

  12. Hi Ginnie,
    Just found your blog and what a fantastic human photography! Also very american I like to see that very much, We have landed on Atlanta this year on our stop to Costa Rica. we once would like to visit your hometown.

    I ivite yu to visit my photography and travelblog. I am from Holland 51 years old/young and I like blogging and of corse visit your and other blogwriters. Be my guest please>

    Hope to see you, I will visit your than also Bye


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